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Jews are forbidden to walk on this side of the street. (Warsaw)

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Presentation on theme: "Jews are forbidden to walk on this side of the street. (Warsaw)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jews are forbidden to walk on this side of the street. (Warsaw)

2 Nuremberg Laws 1935 German Jews were banned from marrying non-Jews
Forced to wear the Star of David Germans banned Mickey Mouse

3 Kristallnacht “night of the shattered/broken glass”
November 9th and 10 of 1938 burned synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses and killed close to 100 Jews The aim was to get Jews to leave by massive state orchestrated violence

4 Ghettos This was not voluntary. Nazi Ghettos were more like a security prison December of 1939, Jews not allowed to leave without a work pass, if so you’re shot. Must wear arm bands Ghettos were walled in, tops lines with broken glass Many people went to the ghettos to keep their families together Warsaw Ghetto 450,000 people, (37% of population in 4% of the city) People begin to starve to death due to lack of food.

5 Relocation to the Warsaw ghetto

6 Ration Card (300 calories daily)


8 Method of extermination
By Summer of 1941 the method hadn’t be decided yet. Shootings begin in USSR June of million Jews killed by the end of 1942 Shootings take too much man power, soldiers doing the shooting became insane, victims were missed or not shot.

9 Extermination camps Fall of 1941, 3 extermination camps were created:
Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka (cyanide gas) Chelmno- not located in German Government but annexed territory (carbon monoxide vans) Auschwitz- not in German Government, rest of European Jews go here. Very large

10 Wannsee Conference Organizational meeting with government agencies in January 1942. Immgration hasn’t worked Reinhard Heydrich informs others of the Final Solution – extermination of all European Jews Those that can work will work, those that can not will be killed.


12 Auschwitz

13 Camp fence

14 Roll Call area


16 Air Raid Shelter

17 Pool for Guards

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