Griswold High School Student Success Team (SST)

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Presentation on theme: "Griswold High School Student Success Team (SST)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Griswold High School Student Success Team (SST)
– A multi-discipline, school-based team that works collaboratively with teachers, related service providers, and parents to support the learning needs of GHS students not meeting classroom/curriculum expectations. It’s an Early Intervention Initiative The Team’s goal is to provide timely intervention services to improve learning outcomes for struggling students, preventing/ reducing long-term outcomes of failure (discipline, absenteeism, retention, drop-out). Struggling learners are assigned to tiered interventions based on need/response to supports provided. What is SST?

2 Tiers of Intervention Tier 1 –classroom-based differentiation
of instruction Tier 2 –supplemental instruction in addition to general classroom experience (small flexible groupings, re/pre-teaching/ remedial activities, short-term tutoring, indiv./group counseling, etc.) . Typically occurring 2 or 3x/wk. Tier 3 – Highly intense classroom and supplemental interventions to address learning gaps (structured reading program, remedial instruction, etc.) Typically occurring outside the classroom 3 or more day week. Tiers of Intervention Tiered Intervention Design Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Intervention Intensity/Individualization Increased Special Ed. Level Assignment not based on “student” but on core “skill deficit” need.

3 What Is An Intervention??
An “intervention” is a change in “content of instruction” (what students learn), “process of instruction” (how students learn), and/or “product of instruction” (how students show what they have learned). Personalization (Differentiation) Content Process Product (What students learn) (How students learn) (How students demonstrate learning) Readiness Interests Learning Profile (Student’s ability level) (Student’s desire to study a topic) (Ways a student learns best)

4 Who the SST at GHS Services-
All students requiring “regular education” academic, behavioral, emotional, interventions. Regular Education Interventions (Tiers I,II,III) -Any student falling below expected class average on measures of achievement -Students on individual support plans (behavior, attendance) -Students receiving temp. related services (counseling/ot/pt, etc.) -Students assigned to supplemental programming (Freshman Connection, Acad. Academy, tutoring, etc.) -Students assigned to Intervention Center Services (Reading/Writing Skills, Math Skills, Exec.Skills) -Students referred for clarification of learning needs (ed./beh. screenings) -Students on select 504 Plans Special Education Intervention Plans (IEP)

5 SST Practices in the High School
-Intervention Flow Chart (see Flow Chart) -SST Procedures/Services Meeting Time SST Members/Roles (multi-disciplinary team) Clarification of need (data collection, assessment) Intervention Plan Development (sample plan) Plan Progress Monitoring SST Database (R: Restricted/GHS/SST/Team Work) SST Practices in the High School

6 -SST Intervention Services Available by Tier. Academic Services;
-SST Intervention Services Available by Tier *Academic Services; **Behavioral/Emotional Services Tier-1 = * **General Classroom - SST Staffing: -Certified Teachers (2) (WEB Period Duty) – Intervention Centers -Graduate Interns (2) (Academic Academy) – Executive Skills -Academic Academy Staff (2) -School Counselors/Social Worker/School Psych. (as needed) Tier-2 = *WEB/Study Hall, *Reading/Writing Intervention Center, *Math Intervention Center, *Executive Skills Center, **Student Support Plans, **Indiv./Group Counseling * **Freshman Success Study Tier-3 = *Academic Academy, *Reading/Writing Skills Center,*Math Skills Center, *Executive Skills Center

7 SST Students Currently Assigned to Intervention: General Classroom (Tier-1 only) = 3 (+ )Study Hall/WEB Assignment = 4 (+) Reading/Writing Intervention Center = 6 (+) Math Intervention Center = 3 (+) Executive Skills = 14 (+) Individual Student Support Plans = 6 Academic Academy = 12 Freshman Connections = 3 51 Active SST Student Plans (approx. 9% of GHS Population)

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