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Response to Intervention By: Angelique Gunderson.

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1 Response to Intervention By: Angelique Gunderson

2 Overview of Response to Intervention: RTI is a framework that schools use to help students who are struggling academically or behaviorally early on in a collaborative environment. RTI is scientifically based and uses a universally screening with benchmarks and progress monitoring to provide data for educators to use.

3 Core Principals: All students can learn and early intervention is in the best interest of the child. Not all students learn in the same way or at the same pace. Collaboration is essential for student success. In a Professional Learning Community the focus must be on learning, not teaching.

4 Essential Systems for Success: Expert teachers in the classroom who have vast knowledge and training in differentiation. Universal and comprehensive screening processes for all students. Lines are blurred between regular and special education creating a collaborative environment. Instruction adjusts based on student’s response to instruction.

5 Tier One: Referred to as the core program where basic instruction for all students takes place. Instruction is multi-faceted to meet the various learning styles and needs within the classroom. Universal screening tools are used with regular progress monitoring.

6 Tier Two: Referred to as the supplemental intervention level where a student is referred to if he/she is struggling. Decision to place is made by a team of educators who target the specific skill deficit and determine the appropriate interventions. Tier two is short term and used with about 10-15% of the student population.

7 Tier Three: Intensive level of interventions lasting 45 – 60 minutes per day in addition to the core curriculum in the classroom. Continual monitoring and data collection take place during an 8-12 week time frame. Often this is one-on-one instruction. If a student is not making progress at this point the school would consider special education services.

8 Federal Laws and RTI: No Child Left Behind was enacted due to the 40% illiteracy rate. IDEIA – Changed the way students were referred to and placed into special education programs. Both require schools to have accountability and outcome data to determine if students are achieving.

9 Criticisms of RTI: Data collection and organization is a burden. Limited quality resources available. Professional development time – how to fit it all into a packed day. Funding.

10 Positives: Teachers “know” their students strengths and abilities. Number of referrals to special education is down in schools that use RTI. Parents become partners in their child’s education. Collaboration allows for support to all educators.

11 Educational Leadership Policy Standards: Standards 1: Functions A, B, C, D, E Standard 2: Functions A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I Standard 3: Functions A, B, D and E Standard 4: Functions A and C Standard 5: Functions A and B Standard 6: Functions B and C

12 Sources: Buffum, A., Mattos, M., & Weber, C. (2009). Pyramid Response to Intervention. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press. Butler, L. (2009, September/October). A Step-By-Step Guide to Response to Intervention. Principal, pp. 46-57. Devaney, L. (2009, November 24). RTI: Not Just for Special Education. Retrieved from http://www.eschoolnews.com

13 Sources continued: Kemp, K. & Eaton, M. (2008). RTI: The Classroom Connection for Literacy. Port Chester, NY: Dude Publishing.

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