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Key Stage 1 Meet the Teacher

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1 Key Stage 1 Meet the Teacher
Miss Matthews Miss Browne Mrs Shelton, Mrs Hanna and Ms Taylor

2 Morning Routine Children are now used to lining up on the playground and being met by their teacher. Teachers will be on the playground from 8.45am if you need to pass on any messages etc. The bell will ring at 8.50am. If you are late please bring your child to the office to sign them in and the office staff will bring them to their classroom.

3 Things to do at home The children will read with an adult 3 times a week in school, whether it be one to one or in a guided reading session and it will be recorded in their reading journal. Spellings will be given every Wednesday and tested the following Wednesday, they are found at the front of the reading journal. Children will also be set Mathletics homework, you will find their log in details in the front of their reading journal.

4 Equipment All children need:
PE kit- t-shirt, shorts, plimsolls or trainers, jogging bottoms, sweatshirt, socks. Wellies A change of clothes for forest school. Ideally old clothes: jogging bottoms, jumper, t shirt. (please make sure everything is labelled!!)

5 PE Miss Matthews: Monday and Thursday.
On these days please can you ensure that any earrings are removed and long hair is tied back. Please note that it is school policy for the children to remove their earrings for PE, and they may not put tape over them.

6 Timetable

7 Curriculum Year B Autumn Term ‘Fire and Ice’ Geography
Antarcitica – comparisons between the UK and Antarctica Computing Mouse and keyboards skills E-safety English Non- fiction texts and fiction texts Art / Design Andy Goldsworthy – Nature picture Science Weather, Changes in the seasons, Changes in materials P.E Gymnastics, throwing and catching and dance DT Volcanoes and recipes History Famous people in History – Guy Fawkes Music Repeating a beat

8 Working as a phase Across the phase we have 3 classes.
Children will work in small groups, independently and in other classes. This will depend on the needs of the children across the phase.

9 Any questions? Thank you 

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