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What is Pope Francis telling us?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Pope Francis telling us?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Pope Francis telling us?
JPIC & the OFS What is Pope Francis telling us?

2 Agenda What is JPIC? Why JPIC? How do we refocus? JPIC in fraternity
What is FVC? “He has told you, O man, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with your God” Micah 6,8

3 What is JPIC? Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation
“JPIC is the conscious prayer and action to transform the world in the spirit of the Gospel through lives of justice, peace and care for the integrity of creation.” JPIC Promoters’ Training Workshop 24 November 2010

4 Why JPIC? GOSPEL TO LIFE BIBLE God’s invitation to live the GOSPEL
CHURCH SFO RULE God’s invitation to live the GOSPEL Catholic Social Doctrine Our professed commitment to live the gospel in the manner of St. Francis in our world

5 Why JPIC? "Christian love leads to denunciation, proposals and a commitment to cultural and social projects; it prompts positive activity that inspires all who sincerely have the good of man at heart to make their contribution." AN INTEGRAL AND SOLIDARY HUMANISM, a. At the dawn of the Third Millennium, 6. Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church “In the face of suffering or violence, poverty or hunger, corruption or abuse of power, a Christian can never remain silent” Benedict XVI (17 March 2009) “Let them individually and collectively be in the forefront in promoting justice by the testimony of their human lives and their courageous initiatives. Especially in the field of public life, they should make definite choices in harmony with their faith.” OFS Rule 15

6 The SFO Rule Rule 2 Rule 11 Rule 12 Rule 13 Rule 14 Rule 15 Rule 16

7 Pope Francis on JPIC “Let us be renewed by God’s mercy … and let us become agents of this mercy, channels through which God can water the earth, protect all creation and make justice and peace flourish.”

8 How do we refocus? Analyse reality and what is happening SEE
In the light of the Word of God & Catholic Social Doctrine Act in a transforming and evangelizing way according to our own God-given gifts SEE JUDGE JPIC EYE ACT

9 The National Council requests:
JPIC Director, Region, with committee, promotes & animates JPIC in their Regional Fraternity JPIC Councillor, Local Fraternity, works with Regional JPIC Director; promotes & animates JPIC in Local Fraternity Local Fraternity to consider their Regional JPIC Action Plan; adopt for formation & action one or more key issues which affect justice, peace or creation All Fraternities to: consider the whole Rule (anew) from the perspective of JPIC & integrate the OFS Rule (nn 13-19) and the OFS General Constitutions (art 18-23) in (all) fraternity meetings, workshops, retreats and daily life

10 How to set up JPIC in fraternity?
Form a committee & appoint a chairperson Meet regularly with an agenda Focus on one JPIC them for specified time Schedule “JPIC Moment” in fraternity meeting Contribute JPIC article to fraternity newsletter Annual JPIC Concern formation in fraternity Encourage fraternity members to read newspapers with critical ‘JPIC eye’ New to JPIC? Start with “Integrity of Creation” Communicate with other JPIC Groups Contribute JPIC initiatives to FVC & Franciscan Focus Start small to be successful

11 Key Issues for 2012-2015 Aboriginal peoples Care of Creation
Christian solidarity Ethical use of resources Food: security and sovereignty Human Trafficking and Contemporary Forms of Slavery Peace, conflict resolution and active non-violence Extreme Poverty and the excluded Treatment of Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons and Migrants

12 Speaking up for the voiceless in our world
What is FVC? Initiative of the National JPIC Commission (English Sector) of the National Fraternity of Canada of the Ordo Franciscanus Sæcularis (OFS - Secular Franciscan Order) Evolved from National JPIC Action Plan 2012 and a suggestion by the National Minister for a JPIC Newsletter Speaking up for the voiceless in our world

13 SUMMARY Refocus Motivation to mission All dimensions of our lives
Respond to needs: PEACE HUMAN RIGHTS ECOLOGY and a dignified life for all

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