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University of Groningen, the Netherlands

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1 University of Groningen, the Netherlands
11/22/2018 Current research University of Groningen, the Netherlands Dept. of Special Needs Education and Youth Care Annemiek Harder, Mónica López & Erik Knorth

2 Current research Title Brief overview
11/22/2018 Title Brief overview Effectiveness of trauma-focused treatment KINGS Follow-up study with families in multiple problem situations. Measuring complex trauma symptoms of youth and parents, parental skills and positive child-parent interactions Effectiveness of small-scale group treatment Happy Home Evaluation of a new residential treatment program as a permanence option for youth that aims to provide continuity, certainty and a stabile future perspective to youth Unaccompanied refugee children in foster care Follow-up study of the needs and experiences of unaccompanied refugee adolescents who receive support from foster families with a comparable ethnic-cultural background HEBE: Experiences of children involved in child protection Explore the experiences of children and investigates methods to involve children in scientific research. Focus groups, interviews and young co-researchers The Audre Project Study the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) youth in care, including their transition to adulthood

3 Key themes from our research
11/22/2018 Key themes from our research Intervention & follow-up studies (incl. decision making); Participation and motivation of young people during and after care; Youth perspectives and responses of care workers; Role of parents / (foster) carers; Specific subgroups (e.g. asylum-seeking children, children with psychiatric disorders, families with multiple problems)

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