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Interactive Science Notebooks

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1 Interactive Science Notebooks
Presented by Mrs. G

2 What are Interactive Science Notebooks?
A student thinking tool And organizer for inquiry questions and what I learned… A way to access and process the learning utilizing various modalities (writing, drawing, and discussion) A place for writing rough drafts based on hands-on learning A formative assessment tool for teachers

3 Why Use Interactive Science Notebooks?
Improve organization skills Improve critical thinking skills Express understanding creatively

4 Why are we using Interactive Science Notebooks?
Record data Study for tests Record progress Communication

5 Impact of Hands-on Science & Science Notebooks on Student Achievement
Research shows that student understanding and literacy skills improve when students do hands-on minds-on science and use science notebooks to make sense of their science investigations.

6 Science Notebook Setup

7 Science Notebook Supplies
Glue or glue stick Composition Notebook pens & pencils scissors colored pencils NO MARKERS!

8 Getting started - Step 1:
My Name My Grade On the front cover using a sharpie marker write your name (First and Last) and period.. Science Notebook

9 Step 2: Starting with the first page, number the first 20 pages. Numbers should be small and at the top outside corner of every page. 1 2 3 Cover of Notebook

10 Step 3: Cut and paste the About the Author page onto page 1. This page is all about you! 1

11 Step 4: Page 2: Title this page Grading Rubric. Paste in rubric
Page 3: Paste in Cornell Note-Taking Revision Checklist 2 3 Cornell Note taking

12 Step 5: Page 4: Paste in Left side hand out.
Page 5: Paste in Right side hand out. 4 Left Side Handout Right Side Handout 5

13 OUTPUT (your interpretation) INPUT (notes from teacher)
Example page: OUTPUT (your interpretation) INPUT (notes from teacher)

14 Costa’s Levels of thinking Academic Language Scripts
Step 6: Page 6: Paste in Costa’s Levels of Thinking Questioning Page 7: Paste in Academic Language Scripts (glue in side ways) 6 Costa’s Levels of thinking Academic Language Scripts 7

15 Step 7: Page 8: Create the Table of Contents for our 1st unit Nature of Science Page 9: Set up your Warm Up Page 8 9 Table of Contents Warm Up’s



18 We Are READY! Science Notebook

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