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Developing a Culture of Collaborative Research

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a Culture of Collaborative Research"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a Culture of Collaborative Research
Research and Innovation Support Conference Developing a Culture of Collaborative Research Dr Peter Culmer Dr Jasjit Singh Dr James Stark

2 Overview Three case studies Community groups (Jas) Industry (Pete)
Museums, galleries and heritage (Jamie) Workshop Experiences of collaborative research Issues and challenges Supporting collaborations Summing up

3 1. Community Groups How to engage?
Often not as accessible as other types of external partners due to lack of structure / resources Demonstrating mutual benefit is a must Benefits to the researcher and university new opportunities for learning and research; communicate universities’ work to the public; develop and maintain good relationships with community; provide learning and development opportunities for students and staff; encourage applications to university from under-represented groups; improve recruitment, retention and diversification of students and staff.

4 Benefits to the Community
facilitates the utilisation of University resources, skills, research and expertise by members of the public; encourages members of the public to be aware and take advantage of the educational opportunities available to them; provides community organisations with a source of labour and expertise. Challenges and difficulties Building up Trust Developing the right partnership Maintenance of the relationship Different types of engagement

5 2. Industry Mind-set and Approach:
Competing demands? (papers vs. products) Competition vs. Collaboration… Why bother Money? ‘Impact’ Funding and Network WHY?

6 2. Industry Speaking a common language. Expectations
Regulation, Standards, Market… Speaking a common language. Expectations Understanding motivations Requirements Making it happen Simplifying the process Making and managing links Approach & Timescales Red-tape HOW?

7 2. Industry CKAT Research proven system Long road to commercialisation
Persistence pays off…..hopefully! IAP – Surgical System IP secured IKC support: PoC > Industry ‘buy-in’ Approach + Timescale – lessons? HOW?

8 3. Museums, Galleries, Heritage
Natural area of collaboration? Leeds has important relationships with a number of organisations Leeds Museums and Galleries Thackray Medical Museum National Trust Different ways of working Research: PhDs, using collections/expertise, etc. Impact: exhibitions, lectures, workshops, consultancy, etc. Co-production: sharing, exchanging, collaborating, etc.

9 3. Museums, Galleries, Heritage
Opportunities Funding sources: Arts Council, HLF, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation Impact-generation: exhibits, training, education, lectures/events Intellectual fulfilment Challenges and difficulties Timescales: fighting short-termism Funding: reciprocal shortages and increased competition “Ways of thinking”: academic-/public-facing Outputs: translating research

10 Group Discussion Recently new opportunities have emerged for engaged research We are aiming to help researchers to capitalise on these Three key questions What are your individual experiences of collaborative research? What challenges are presented by different kinds of collaboration? What can you/others do to support collaborative research?

11 Summary Incentives for Engaging and Collaborating Esteem & Impact
Money!? Making it happen Funding Partners Support to advise the process: Timescales Communication & Expectations Outcomes

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