The American Revolution:

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1 The American Revolution: 1776-1783
The Battles Part I

2 Fighting in New York Most early battles involved few troops
Bunker Hill Brits- 2,200 men Patriots- 1,200 men Brits knew need more troops to win quickly During summer of 1776 Brits sent 32,000 troops across to NY British commander General William Howe Hoped sheer size would scare Patriots enough to win Sadly mistaken

3 American Victories in New Jersey
Brits settled in NY for winter of 1776 Didn’t fight in winter; at least, did not expect to fight Left some troops in Trenton & Princeton, NJ Stationed across the Delaware River from the Brits, G-Dub sees his chance! Christmas night 1776, 2,400 Patriots sneak across river Attack at dawn Capture 900+ Hessians Even more important were supplies needed Leads them toward Princeton, NJ and wins there too!!! DukkGro vO2j7Y0 5:05-5:30, 7:15-8:30

4 The British Capture Philadelphia
Howe planned to take Philly B4 marching to Albany American Capital Sept win 2 battles near capital Then takes Philadelphia Forcing Congress to flee Washington attacks the Brits @ nearby Germantown in response G-Dub is forced to withdraw but… delays Howe enough that he can’t meet up w/ Burgoyne and St. Albany… yet! Decides to spend winter in Philly Alright Philadelphia, we got ‘ya surrounded! Come out w/ your cheese steaks in the air!!!

5 Patriots Slow the British
Problems delay Brit plans on Albany August St. Leger’s advance halted by Benedict Arnold Forced to retreat Gen. Burgoyne not doing well either July Burgoyne takes Fort Ticonderoga But… He’s a fancy General Likes good food, and fine clothing Travels w/ 30 wagons of luxury goods Extra baggage + Dense forests + Patriots chopping down trees to block paths = VERY SLOW MOVEMENT In need of food and supplies he sends 800 men to take supplies from nearby Bennington, VT Brits bright red jackets make easy targets for Green Mountain Boys VT militia Having lost lg. part of army and now desperate for supplies Burgoyne retreats to town of Saratoga, NY in October ‘Green Mountain Boys’ flag

6 The Battle of Saratoga @ Saratoga, Burgoyne expected Brit forces from West and South to join But… St. Leger was Fort Stanwix, NY Howe still in Philly Plus… Patriot troops under Gen. Horatio Gates blocked Burgoyne’s path to south Burgoyne surrounded by army of Patriots 3x the size of his!!! 17 October Butt Kickin’ Time!!! Burgoyne surrenders! 5,700 Brits hand over weapons to Patriots While band plays “Yankee Doodle!” British plan to separate NE from rest of colonies fails Turning Point in the War!!! Soon after, General William Howe resigns as Commander of British Troops Replaced by General Henry Clinton

7 Winter At Valley Forge Word of the French alliance won’t hit US until spring of 1778 Howe spends winter of ‘77 in Philly G-Dub & Patriots set up 20 miles west at Valley Forge Endured winter of unbelievable suffering Lacking decent food Missing blankets, shoes, and shirts Lack of shelter Washington’s greatest challenge Keeping army united and alive! Many men deserted, or left w/o permission Officers resigned The army was falling apart Somehow survived Built huts, gathered food from community, volunteers (including Martha Washington) sewed clothes April word hits US of France’s alliance Spirits skyrocket!

8 Help From Overseas Among the Valley Forge was Marquis de Lafayette Rushed to join the battle of freedom Bought ship & set sail from France on own! Offers services to Washington Becomes trusted aide He & other European volunteers drilled the Patriot Valley Forge Taught them military discipline and techniques =NCFnDuouqxM&feature=relmfu

9 War in the West Some natives fought w/ Colonials, most sided w/ Brits
Saw them as less of a threat than colonists Colonist were to eager to spread into native land West of the App. Mts. Brits & natives Lead brutal attacks on the colonists Henry Hamilton controlled Fort Detroit Main British base in the west Called Hamilton the “hair buyer” He paid natives for scalps of colonists

10 Glory at Sea Pirates or Privateers ?
While fighting on land con’t, sea raged too Brit Navy patrolled American harbors Kept Patriot ships, & their allies too from entering harbors British blockade prevented supplies & reinforcements from Continentals To break blockade… Congress orders 13 ships made Only 2 hit sea B4 end of war Other ships captured or destroyed Brits make short work of new “navy” Too weak to be effective, need help fast!!! Congress hires 2,000 Privateers, private- owned merchant ships w/ guns to attack Brits Basically, paid pirates Do very well !!! Pirates or Privateers ?

11 “I have not yet begun to fight!”
John Paul Jones “I have not yet begun to fight!” Daring, young navel officer 1777- Begins raiding British ports Sailed in old French ship gotten 4 him by Ben Franklin Named it after Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac Bonhomme Richard (Good Richard) Sept sails near coast of Britain! British fleet sees him Warship Serapis attacks 2 fight for 3+ hours!!! Bonhomme Richard so badly damaged that Serapis asks if wants to surrender “I have not yet begun to fight!” he replies In end, Serapis surrenders but… Bonhomme Richard sinks soon after Victory makes him a navel hero

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