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Presentation on theme: "GOTHIC LITERATURE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Gothic Literature Poetry, short stories, or novels designed to thrill readers by providing mystery and blood-curdling accounts of villainy, murder, and the supernatural. 

3 What does Gothic mean?

4 Elements of the Gothic genre
Weather/Environment Dreams Sense of mystery and dread The Supernatural Plots dealing with man’s inner “self” Revenge The “outsider” Omens and curses Female in distress

5 Weather/Environment Weather is often mentioned Weather sets the mood
Environment can include architecture/surroundings

6 Dreams Main character experiences dreams/blurred with reality

7 Sense of mystery and dread
Mystery: suspense, surprises, a lot of unanswered questions Dread: unresolved ending; some feelings of unrest linger throughout the story

8 The Supernatural Ghosts, demons, werewolves, anything NOT of this world

9 Man’s inner “self” Inside main character’s head
Causes character to self-reflect Sometimes starts to go crazy

10 Revenge

11 The outsider The “other” Someone who does not belong
Pushed out of society

12 Omens and curses Omen = sign/warning

13 Female in Distress


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