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Chemistry Of Life.

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1 Chemistry Of Life

2 Chemistry of Life What are some of the basic physical and chemical processes that allow energy to be stored and utilized by living things?

3 Chemistry of Life Atom – composed of Nucleus
Proton – positive charge Neutron – neutral charge Electrons – orbiting nucleus, negative charge


5 Chemistry of Life Element – a substance consisting entirely of one type of atom. Molecule – two or more atoms joined together by a chemical bond. Chemical compounds – two or more elements joined together (can be the same or different type of element)

6 Types of Chemical Bonds
Chemical bonds – how atoms are held together. Energy is stored in the bonds! Types of Chemical Bonds Ionic bonds: electrons are transferred one atom (or compound) loses electron; becomes positive one atom (or compound) gains electron; becomes negative

7 Basic Elements Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Potassium Phosphate
Calcium Iron

8 Salt: NaCl  Na Cl- Example of Ionic Bond

9 Covalent bonds: electrons are shared between atoms to form molecules
(not as strong as ion bonds! ) Water: H2O Each hydrogen atom bonds with the Oxygen atom

10 Hydrogen Bonding Special type of bonding / attraction between water molecules. It is the reason water will “beads up” (cohesion) or climbs up sides of graduated cylinder (adhesion) to form the meniscus.

11 Chemical Bonds Van der Waals Forces - not as strong as ionic or covalent but are responsible for the Gecko’s ability to climb up a glass window

12 Chemical Equations Reactants – appear before the arrow
Substances being changed Products– appear after the arrow Substances being made

13 Chemical Equations 6O2+ C6H12O6 6CO2 + 6H2O
LAW OF CONVSERVATION OF MASS All chemical reactions must be balanced Whatever goes into the reaction must come out Notice 18 oxygen on both sides, 12 Hydrogen and 6 Carbon

14 Energy from Bonds In order for reactants to change into products, the bonds of the reactants must break and new bonds must form in the products Bond Energy – the amount of energy it takes to break a bond between two atoms

15 Activation Energy The amount of energy that is needed for a chemical reaction to start

16 Endothermic reaction A chemical reaction that absorbs more energy that it releases Takes in energy/heat Ex) photosynthesis

17 Exothermic Reaction Chemical reaction that gives off more energy than it takes in Energy/heat exits Ex) cellular respiration

18 ACIDS, BASES, BUFFERS pH – measurement the concentration of the H+ (hydrogen ions) in solution. pH equal to 7: The Solution is Neutral

19 ACIDS, BASES, BUFFERS Acids: pH is less than 7
Release hydrogen ions H+ in solution Has positive charge, Juices, vinegar Taste sour

20 ACIDS, BASES, BUFFERS Base pH greater than 7
Releases hydroxide ions OH- in solution Ex. are ammonia, some soaps, lye Taste bitter, feel slimey ___________________

21 pH Scale

22 Buffers Buffers: solutions that react with acids or bases and prevent sudden changes in pH, for example bicarbonate of soda, Tums

23 Organic Chemistry Organic Inorganic Compounds containing carbon
Lacking Carbon

24 Macromolecules Large molecules formed by joining smaller organic molecules

25 Carbohydrates CH2O 1 carbon 2 Hydrogen 1 Oxygen

26 Carbohydrate Examples
Glucose Important for energy source of living things

27 Carbohydrate Examples
Sucrose Or as you call it Table Sugar

28 Carbohydrate Examples
Celluose Structural support in cell walls

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