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Estimationg unused flows from domestic extraction

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1 Estimationg unused flows from domestic extraction
TF MFA Meeting Estimationg unused flows from domestic extraction Aldo Femia Istat Luxembourg, May 2012

2 Definitions - Eurostat Guide
MFA TASK FORCE MAY 2012 Eurostat Guide, 3.36, 3.74 : “Unused domestic extraction are materials extracted or otherwise moved on a nation’s territory on purpose and by means of technology which are not fit or intended for use. Unused domestic extraction comprises three major groups: unused extraction from mining and quarrying (mining/quarrying extraction wastes such as overburden, interburden and parting materials); unused extraction from biomass harvest (discarded by-catch, wood harvesting losses – i.e. timber felled but left in the forests, other harvesting wastes); soil (and rock) excavation and dredged materials (materials extracted during construction and dredging activities).

3 Definitions - SEEA MFA TASK FORCE MAY 2012 Introduces the category of “Natural resource residuals” (3.50): “There are three types of natural resource residuals i. Losses during extraction which cover resources that the extractor would prefer to retain (for example losses of gas through flaring and venting) [considered USED in EW-MFA: losses in the output side]; ii. Unused extraction which covers resources in which the extractor has no ongoing interest (for example mining overburden, mine de-watering and discarded catch); and iii. Reinjections. These flows cover natural resources that are extracted but are immediately returned to the deposit and may be re-extracted at a later time (e.g. water reinjected into an aquifer and natural gas reinjected into a reservoir) [UNUSED in EW-MFA?]. N.B. (3.99): Excluded from natural resource residuals are residuals associated with the harvesting of cultivated biological resources such as crop residues, felling residues from cultivated timber resources and manure from the farming of livestock.

4 Soil excavation / 1 Permits to build: Municipality level
MFA TASK FORCE MAY 2012 Permits to build: Municipality level Information on number of floors Information on total surface Information on whether new or enlargement Sealed area: total new surface / number of floors 2) Excavated soil if all permits are used in the same year: Table of depths (ranging 1.2 – 1.5 meters) by: Height of the building (number of floors) Seismical risk of the municipality Soil excavated: Sealed area by height and seismical risk * table of depths

5 Soil excavation / 2 Corrections:
MFA TASK FORCE MAY 2012 Corrections: Non-coincidence of year of actual building with year of permit Illegal buildings Use of external information, by using constructed volumes as a link between permits and actually constructed buildings PART OF THE SOIL IS USED IN THE SAME BUILDING ACTIVITY => Use of information from waste statistics on recyclying rates (poor)

6 Mining and quarrying MFA TASK FORCE MAY 2012 PRODCOM microdata: production (used extraction) by firm Administrative microdata on waste by firm Selection of the relevant waste streams poor coverage (voluntary reporting) Linking data Calculating coefficients Results quite low: only quantities given to third parties are reported

7 Biomass MFA TASK FORCE MAY 2012 From forestry: quantities left on the ground after felling are estimated and reported in the statistics as «residuals from forest/non forest works» From agriculture: Coeeficients provided by cultivar by the expert colleague Used also for calculation of straw and beetroot leaves Input to a project on potential energy from biomass

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