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Unit Two Vocabulary Week Five.

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1 Unit Two Vocabulary Week Five

2 abominable (adjective)
grotesque/monstrous Do you believe in the abominable snowman? .

3 cognizant (adjective)

4 disputatious (adjective)
argumentative fond of argument Being in a disputatious relationship is exhausting.

5 garish (adjective) garish overly-bright in color
Nicki Minaj is fond of garish clothing.

6 minatory (adjective) menacing/threating
In some cultures, pointing at someone is considered a minatory gesture.

7 noxious (adjective) harmful/toxic
It is best to wear a gasmask when working with noxious materials.

8 Pell-mell (adverb/adjective/noun)
disorderly or rushed manner The papers were scattered pell-mell across the floor.

9 priggish (adjective) prudish/straight-laced
My priggish aunt likes to think she is morally superior to everyone around her.

10 psychosis (noun) mental illness The Joker suffered from psychosis.

11 Unguent (Noun) soothing ointment of balm
Any type of unguent containing aloe is good for burns.

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