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Teaching with Documents:

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching with Documents:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching with Documents:
Using an Integrated Approach to History Education

2 Overview What is the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History?
What is Teaching Literacy through History?

3 Teaching Literacy through History
The Basics Students interact directly with the author or speaker through primary sources without the filter of a textbook; with the teacher serving as a guide not an interpreter

4 Teaching Literacy through History
The Basics Students interact directly with the author or speaker through primary sources without the filter of a textbook; with the teacher serving as a guide not an interpreter Authentic interaction with the source creates student ownership of their learning

5 Teaching Literacy through History
The Basics Students interact directly with the author or speaker through primary sources without the filter of a textbook; with the teacher serving as a guide not an interpreter Authentic interaction with the source creates student ownership of their learning Students can create an emotional connection with the content; greatly increasing retention

6 Teaching Literacy through History
The Basics Students interact directly with the author or speaker through primary sources without the filter of a textbook; with the teacher serving as a guide not an interpreter Authentic interaction with the source creates student ownership of their learning Students can create an emotional connection with the content; greatly increasing retention The goal is to increase both content knowledge and literacy skills while strengthening a student’s ability to think critically

7 Teaching Literacy through History
Methods: Shared Reading to address issues with Complex Text

8 Teaching Literacy through History
Methods: Shared Reading to address issues with Complex Text Vocabulary Development by focusing on Tier 2 words

9 Teaching Literacy through History
Methods: Shared Reading to address issues with Complex Text Vocabulary Development by focusing on Tier 2 words Text-Based Questioning Strategies to promote better Textual Analysis

10 Teaching Literacy through History
Methods: Shared Reading to address issues with Complex Text Vocabulary Development by focusing on Tier 2 words Text-Based Questioning Strategies to promote better Textual Analysis Writing and Oral Presentation based on Textual Evidence

11 Teaching Literacy through History
Methods: Shared Reading to address issues with Complex Text Vocabulary Development by focusing on Tier 2 words Text-Based Questioning Strategies to promote better Textual Analysis Writing and Oral Presentation based on Textual Evidence Analysis of Visual or Graphic Materials

12 Teaching Literacy through History
Complex Text: Primary Source Documents The most authentic learning of history starts with understanding the ideas of the people who made that history

13 Teaching Literacy through History
Complex Text: Primary Source Documents The most authentic learning of history starts with understanding the ideas of the people who made that history Literary strategies provide access to those ideas by unlocking the words of a written text or speech

14 Teaching Literacy through History
Performance Assessments: Formative and Summative Writing and Oral Presentation Explicit instruction for evidence-based writing Structured framework for oral presentation Students demonstrate understanding with authentic measurable activities

15 Teaching Literacy through History
Teaching with Documents The Twentieth Century: “The Origins of the Cold War”

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