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First Peoples; First Farmers

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Presentation on theme: "First Peoples; First Farmers"— Presentation transcript:

1 First Peoples; First Farmers
Most of History in a Single Chapter

2 Hadza Homeland

3 Hadza Culture Culture=a people’s unique way of life
Paleolithic v. Neolithic 95% of history, Hunting and Gathering peoples Scavenging dead animals? What ways could you survive if you lived in early Paleolithic cultures? Why can’t you return after the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution (Farmin)? Hadza Culture

4 Paleolithic Age Deliberate planting of seeds Domestication of plants
Domestication of animals The last 6,000 years “Real” History v Pre History Scientists & Historians: Archeologists, Biologists, Botanists, Demographers, Linguists, Anthropologists Paleolithic Age

5 Out of Africa Theory Homo sapiens 200,000-250,000 years ago?
Early tools? Seasonal movement? Networks of Human Communication? Social and Symbolic Behavior? Moving out of Africa, 100,000-60,000 years ago Ice Age, 20,000 years ago, challenges? Out of Africa Theory

6 Blombos Cave (South Africa)

7 Maps of Movement

8 Into Eurasia Route? Food sources? Tools? Evidence of them being there?
New Technologies? Dwellings? Temporary Permanent Settlements? Religious iconology? Into Eurasia

9 Into Australia Route? New technology to get there? Food sources?
Dreamtime? Trade? Into Australia

10 Pituri

11 Dreamtime

12 Into Americas Routes? Theories? Clovis? Extinct American animals?
Theories for end of Clovis? Later food sources? Into Americas

13 Into the Pacific Last Phase of the Great Human Migration
Oceangoing canoes? Navigation skills? Austronesian language family? Madagascar link? Last of the major islands to be occupied? Aotearoa Agriculture? Societal Structure? Into the Pacific

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