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The United States and World War I

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1 The United States and World War I


3 Focusing Points What were the MAIN causes to World War I?
How did the US respond when the war initially started? What two events brought the US into World War I?

4 Causes of World War I MAIN Militarism Alliances Imperialism

5 Militarism The belief that a country should have a strong military
Should be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests. Before the war, countries around the world were increasing the size of their military

6 Alliances Also before the war, countries in Europe formed secret alliances and agreements

7 Imperialism One country extending its power, influence, or dominance over another European countries extended its political, military, and economic interests by colonizing much of Africa "an unequal human and territorial relationship, usually in the form of an empire, based on ideas of superiority and practices of dominance, and involving the extension of authority and control of one state or people over another."


9 Nationalism Nationalism is an intense pride in one’s own country’s value and beliefs Could potentially lead to violence against other nations or people who do not share same beliefs or ideas

10 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by the Serbian Nationalist group known as the Black Hand on June 28th, 1914 Austria-Hungry declares war on Serbia igniting alliances and further participation in war

11 •There were 7 conspirators who lined up throughout the city to wait for their chance to attack.
•The first attack was a grenade thrown at the Duke’s car which hit the back and bounced off, then exploded. •The assassin drank a container of cyanide and jumped into the river. •He was fished out; the cyanide was old and didn’t work. •The other conspirators heard the explosion and later found out the attempt failed. •The Duke sped to the Town Hall, made a speech and then tried to find the quickest way out of town. •The route took him by Princip who shot the Duke and his wife and then tried to commit suicide with cyanide.



14 Gavrilo Princip

15 Central Powers vs. Triple Entente
Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Triple Entente France England Russia

16 United States Involvement
At the beginning, the United States remained neutral •“He kept us out of war” was Wilson’s platform in 1915 and won re-election He delivers his “Peace Without Victory” speech

17 Sinking of the Lusitania
On May 7, 1915, the RMS Lusitania was sunk by a German U-boat killing 1,195 passengers 128 of them American



20 Peace without Victory speech
• An attempt to end the war and avoid US intervention by Wilson •Jan. 1917

21 Zimmerman Telegram Letter from Germany asking Mexico to keep the US out of WWI Germany promised Mexico land they lost after the Mexican American War if they helped Germany


23 The US Declares War In response to the Zimmerman telegram and the Lusitania, the United States declares war on Germany and becomes involved in World War I on April 6, 1917.

24 Put away your notes… ITS SHOW ME TIME!!!!

25 WWI Propaganda To encourage people to support the war effort the US created the CPI CPI- Commission on Public Information Led by George Creel, the commission produced various forms of posters and articles convincing the American people the WWI was a just cause.







32 Knights Charge 3/16 For those who did not complete either the Unit 1 or Unit 2 Test, you will take/finish it today! What do you know about the 1920’s? On a separate sheet of paper, begin this week’s Knights Charge with listing people, events, or things that you know from the 1920’s Ling ling is the best Asian in the world because you guys love me. I make rice and peach juice for you guys. Love you long time. Xoxo- ling ling

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