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Revision States of Matter.

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Presentation on theme: "Revision States of Matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revision States of Matter

2 Venn Diagram Liquid Gas Solid

3 Particles close together (solids, liquids)
Contains particles (all) Definite volume (solids, liquids) Expands to fill container (gases) Does not flow (solids) No definite shape (liquids, gases) Easily compressed (gases) Can boil (liquids) Can melt (solids) Particles an move past each other (liquids, gases) Particles far apart (gases) Difficult to compress (solids, liquids) Can freeze (liquids) Flows easily (liquids, gases) Particles vibrate (solid) Can condense (gases)

4 Interactive Whiteboard


6 Bingo! Fill each square of your bingo grid with a different word from the list below Melting Steam Vibrate Freezing Ice Conduction Evaporation Expand Radiation Condensation Contract Black Solid Fluids Rise Liquid Oxygen Draught excluder Gas

7 When metals are heated they...

8 Expand

9 The gas plants produce and we breathe...

10 Oxygen

11 This can reduce heat loss through doors...

12 Draught Excluder

13 The tiny little things everything is made of are called...

14 Particles

15 Metals expand because the particles ? more as they are heated.

16 Vibrate

17 The process of turning a solid into a liquid is called...

18 Melting

19 Water in its solid state is called...

20 Ice

21 The diagram below shows how particles are arranged in a...

22 Gas

23 Which colour of t shirt would absorb heat best?

24 Black

25 The process of turning gas into liquid is called...

26 Condensation

27 The process of turning a liquid into a solid is called...

28 Freezing

29 Heat will travel along this rod by...

30 Conduction

31 In cold weather metal cables...

32 Contract

33 The process of turning liquid into gas is called...

34 Evaporation

35 When particles are heated they...

36 Rise

37 Heat can travel through space by the process of ...

38 Radiation

39 Liquids and gases flow so they are known as...

40 Fluids

41 Water in its gas form is called...

42 Steam

43 The diagram below shows how particles are arranged in a...

44 Solid

45 Mercury is a metal which is a ? at room temperature

46 Liquid

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