ICAO NGAP Implementation Workgroup: A Progress update

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1 ICAO NGAP Implementation Workgroup: A Progress update
Presenter: Mary Nelson Venue: 6th ICAO NGAP Programme Meeting Date: 5 – 8 December In order to more effectively facilitate the work of the Task Force and supporting groups, the Management Group created Terms of Reference (TORs), and presented them at the NGAP Task Force meeting in Oklahoma City. The Task Force agreed to the changes, which also include the reorganization of the work structure. The Implementation Working Group was created by this reorganization.

2 Implementation Work Group
Members: 22 Monthly Telecoms Workplan Revised Syllabus Finalized Workshop Purpose of the Implementation Working Group • Develop roll-out strategies and foster collaboration to promote the use of competency-based provisions developed in the competency and training groups. Deliverable and Tasks • Develop a three-year plan of events to promote the implementation of competency-based approaches for the technical competencies addressed by the NGAP Programme • Identify and support the production of publication material for the promotion of competency-based approaches 22 Members…Very good amount of members (Approximately 12 Active) Prague Czech Republic. 1st Meeting in 2014 Since our first meeting monthly telecoms have been established Agenda are prepared Minutes are generated All stored on the ICAO Portal Workplan revised to document deliverables Syllabus developed in 2014 and finalized – 2016 After the Mexico City Workshop 29 modules were developed Several exercises are done through out all 3 days of the workshop All material is stored on the ICAO Portal Workshop 3 days in length Pre-meeting prior to 1st day of workshop 1st day is a Common day for all participants 2nd and first part of 3rd day are split between ATCO and ATSEP Second part of 3rd day is common (rejoin both groups) Received valuable feedback from participants (revisions were made based on feedback) Debriefs with the instructors and ICAO is completed after each workshop.

3 ICAO Headquarters Montreal Canada Workshop
1st Workshop held in Montreal Canada. Delivered 28 – 30 June 2016 70 participants Based on feedback from our participants material was revised.

4 ICAO Mexico City, Mexico Regional Workshop
2nd Workshop – Mexico city Regional Office – delivered 21 – 23 September, 2016 40 Participants Translated in Spanish Based on feedback from our participants a Module/Exercise was added to the ATSEP day Based on feedback participants felt all should actively participate in the exercise delivered in Module balls were purchased for the exercise.

5 ICAO Lima Peru Regional Workshop
3rd Workshop – Lima Peru Regional Office – delivered 28 – 30 November, 2016. 35 Participants Translated in Spanish

6 Next Steps Implementation WorkGroup
Future Workshops Monthly Telecoms 4 Remaining workshops scheduled in 2017 and 1 in 2018 2017 Bangkok Dakar Nairobi Paris 2018 Cairo

7 Any Questions

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