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Chapter 2- Birth of a Nation

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1 Chapter 2- Birth of a Nation
Standards 4-5

2 Ideology of the Revolution
The Enlightenment was a period in Europe when people started thinking differently about government. John Locke- argued that citizens had natural rights that no government can take away (Life, Liberty, Property) Social contract

3 Montesquieu- believed government powers should be separated.
Checks and balances

4 Independence On July 4, 1776 the 2nd continental congress signed the Declaration of Independence Written by Thomas Jefferson (strongly influenced by Enlightenment ideas) Called for “life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness” Listed mistakes by Britain - Declared the colonies independent

5 No option but VICTORY! Strengths for Colonists Strengths for Britain
Most men had war experience from the French and Indian War Fighting on their homeland If they lost, fighters would be hung for treason Strengths for Britain Strongest Army in the world Strongest Navy in the world “regular” soldiers Access to unlimited supplies

6 Section 2.2

7 No option but VICTORY! Strengths for Colonists Strengths for Britain
Most men had war experience from the French and Indian War Fighting on their homeland If they lost, fighters would be hung for treason Strengths for Britain Strongest Army in the world Strongest Navy in the world “regular” soldiers Access to unlimited supplies


9 George Washington Washington was chosen to be commander of the new army A Virginian surveyor, soldier, and plantation owner Had to create a new Army Known as one of the greatest military generals of all time

10 Calling All Men! Men volunteered for the Army for however long they could Brought their own supplies and weapons Camped in cold and wet conditions –no shoes Washington’s ability to train the men and win battles increased his numbers

11 Crossing of the Delaware
Christmas 1776 Continental Army was low on supplies Washington led his men across the icy Delaware river to sneak up on the British Attacked in secret- took many prisoner and supplies

12 Valley Forge Continental Army camped at Valley Forge the winter of 1777. Poorly supplied and lacking warm clothes- many got sick or died Washington used the time to train Entered the spring ready for battle

13 The French Alliance Benjamin Franklin was sent to France to convince the king to help the US After the victory at Saratoga they promised money, troops, and the navy Forced British to fight in 2 places Marquis de Lafayette- Frenchman sent to help Washington Became great friends


15 Battle of Yorktown Lord Cornwallis invaded NC but was chased north
Cornwallis won the battle of Guilford Courthouse but lost a lot of men and supplies Moved North to Yorktown, VA to meet up with British Ships for supplies Washington saw he could trap Cornwallis and moved south. The French Navy blocked the British ships and trapped Cornwallis October 19, 1781 Cornwallis surrendered



18 Treaty of Paris 1783 Treaty of Paris 1783 officially ended the war
Americans were now recognized by other nations as an independent country. England gave up all claims to land South of Great Lakes

19 Establishing A Government

20 Establishing a Government
Colonies choose a confederation form of government- wanted to be independent states. Articles of Confederation- first government Did not give enough power to federal government Weakness of Articles of Confederation Congress could not raise taxes Not able to fund a military Could not issue money

21 Shays’ Rebellion 1786- the US was facing a depression.
State of Massachusetts raised taxes to pay debt Daniel Shay (farmer and former soldier) was outraged and led a rebellion Mass had to deal with it alone because the federal government did not have the power to become involved Brought attention to the need for a stronger federal government

22 hippocampus

23 Constitution 1787- a group met in Philadelphia to revise the Articles- they decided to start over instead There was a lot of disagreement and 2 plans were put forward

24 The Virginia Plan (large states) New Jersey Plan (small states)
3 branches of govt 2 houses in the legislative branch Number of representatives decided by population 3 branches of govt 1 house in legislative branch Each state gets 1 representative

25 The Great Compromise The Connecticut Plan 3 branches of govt
2 houses in legislative branch Lower house based on population Upper house every state has 2 representatives

26 3/5 Compromise- How should population be counted?
Northern states: Only voting citizens should be counted Southern States: Slaves should be counted 3/5 Compromise- Slaves will count as 3/5 of a person.

27 Slave Trade Compromise
Anti slavery delegates (Northern and Upper South) wanted to end the slave trade Already ended in Britain Southern delegates said their economy would collapse Agreed to end the slave trade in 20 years (1808)

28 hippocampus

29 Federalists Anti-Federalists
Although the constitution was complete many states refused to ratify it. Worried about citizen’s rights Federalists Believed in the need for a strong federal government for the future Believed congress could do things not specifically written as long as it was needed. Anti-Federalists Worried the Const gave too much power to federal government Wanted congress to only do what the Const specifically said.

30 Alexander Hamilton and James Madison wrote the Federalist Papers
A pamphlet of essays To convince the states to ratify the const. The Bill of Rights was passed to protect rights The federalist view did win and 9 states ratified the Const.

31 The First Presidents

32 George Washington was unanimously elected in 1789 and again in 1792
Capital was NYC, then moved to Philadelphia Washington chose a site for the new capital between Virginia and Maryland Jefferson chosen to be Secretary of State Hamilton Secretary of Treasury

33 Whiskey Rebellion A tax was placed on Whiskey- hurt farmers
Pennsylvania farmers revolted violently Ended quickly when Washington sent federal troops Showed the power of the govt Whiskey rebellion vs. Shay’s Rebellion????

34 Neutrality Proclamation of Neutrality- US will not get involved in foreign wars

35 Washington’s Farewell Advice
1. US should avoid all foreign entanglements 2. Government should be based on religion and morality 3. Political parties are dangerous

36 Political Parties Created
Federalists Supported large land owners, merchants, and business Tariffs Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Adams Republicans Strong state government Supported small farmers and debtors Most southerners Thomas Jefferson

37 Presidency of John Adams
XYZ affair- 3 diplomats were sent to France. The king refused to meet them King asked for a bribe of a US loan in order to meet with them Diplomats insulted and left

38 Alien and Sedition Acts
Alien Act- govt can arrest or remove untrustworthy foreigners- extended the time required for citizenship Sedition Act- citizens could be arrested for starting anti-government riots based on anti government speech

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