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TRX® Functional Training

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1 TRX® Functional Training
Presented by Emily Snapp and Myron Mendoza

2 Seven Foundational Movements
Plank Rotate Pull Push Hinge Squat Lunge

3 Key Principles Expectations: Stable vs. Mobile NAPSMR Moving Plank
Set the standard, change the conditions Swing thoughts

4 Expectations Stable vs. Mobile-Help to communicate what right looks like and feels like. Plank: Full Body should be stable and nothing should be mobile. Push: Full body should be stable and shoulder girdle, shoulders, and elbows are mobile. Pull: Full body should be stable and shoulder girdle, shoulders, and elbows are mobile. Rotation: Torso is stable, moving in a cylindrical fashion. Ankles, hips, t-spine, and hips are mobile. Hinge: Torso is stable. Mobility comes from maximal hip flexion/extension and minimal knee flexion/extension. Squat: Spine is stable. Ankles, knees, and hips are mobile. Lunge: Spine is stable. Ankles, knees, and hips are mobile.

5 NAPSMR Name of the exercise Adjustment to the TRX®
Position in relation to the Anchor Starting position Movement Return

6 Setting the Standard “Setting the Standard” means taking one of the foundational movements and using it as a basis for the rest of your workout. We spent a lot of time setting the plank as a standard for many movements. Creating that mindset allows the client or athlete to focus on one key component while we change the conditions. If the athlete loses form, we can easily remind them to return back to the standard.

7 Moving Plank For many of the foundational movements, your body is essentially in a plank position and you are moving that plank either forward or backward. Proper plank position should be taught using the swing thoughts on the following page.

8 Swing Thoughts Swing Thought: A coaching cue using key words or phrases to quickly get the athlete to make a small adjustment to correct form. Ex: Apples not Applesauce – Engage the glutes and make them hard like an apple and not soft like applesauce. Ex: Shoulder blades in back pockets – Pull your shoulder blades down and back as if they are going into the back pockets of your pants. This creates proper posture for the upper body.

9 Modalities TRX® Rip® Trainer Sandbag Kettlebell Dumbbells Barbell
Medicine Ball Battling Ropes

10 Sample Workout 1-Plank Circuit
TRX® Plank/Saw Side Plank with Rope Waves (right side) Kettlebell Drag Side Plank with Rope Waves (left side) Kettlebell Farmer Carry Sandbag Overhead Press Perform each movement in a circuit style for 30 seconds with 30 seconds of rest. Continue for one-three rounds.

11 Sample Workout 2-Push Circuit
TRX® Chest Press Push Up with Shoulder Taps Sandbag Shoulder to Shoulder Press Rip® Trainer Overhead Press Perform each movement in a circuit style for 30 seconds with 30 seconds of rest. Continue for one-three rounds.

12 Sample Workout 3- Push and Pull Circuit
TRX® Low Row or Inverted Row Heavy Ropes Alternating Waves Rip® Trainer Overhead Press Sandbag Shoulder to Shoulder Press TRX® Low Row or Inverted Row (single arm) Push Up with Shoulder Tap Perform each movement in a circuit style for 30 seconds with 30 seconds of rest. Continue for one-three rounds.

13 Key Takeaways Use the TRX® Foundational Movements as the centerpiece of a systematic approach that is highly effective when coaching clients. Set a standard from the TRX® Foundational Movements and change the conditions through a variety of modalities. Swing thoughts are an effective tool to cue, coach, and correct exercise form. Create multi-modality driven circuits based on the TRX® Foundational Movements.

14 Foundational Movements: PLANK
TRX® Plank KB Drag Sandbag Press Side Plank Rope Waves

15 Foundational Movements: PUSH
TRX® Chest Press Rip® Trainer Press Shoulder to Shoulder Sandbag Press Push Up with Shoulder Taps

16 Foundational Movements: PULL
TRX® Inverted Row TRX® Row Heavy Rope Waves Rip® Trainer Shoulder Press

17 Foundational Movements: Rotate
Rip® Trainer Twists Rotational Heavy Rope Slams TRX® Power Pull

18 Foundational Movements: Hinge
KB Swing TRX® Hinge TRX® Windmill TRX® Pike

19 Foundational Movements: Squat
TRX® Squat TRX® Hamstring Curl to Hip Press Wall Ball

20 Foundational Movements: Lunge
TRX® Lunge TRX® Lateral Lunge Lateral Lunge with Heavy Ropes

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