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Free School Bid North End, Yatton.

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1 Free School Bid North End, Yatton

2 So what is a Free School? A ‘free school’ is the DfE’s term for any new provision academy. ‘Academy’ is the legal term for state-funded schools that are independent of local authority control and receive their funding directly from the government.

3 And a Presumption Competition?
The Education Act 2011 changed the arrangements for establishing new schools: “where a local authority identifies the need for a new school in its area, it must seek proposals to establish an academy (free school).” The competition is the process where the LA asks for bids and then identifies the best operator for the school. Most of the decision is taken here in North Somerset with ‘sign off’ at the DfE.

4 The requirements of the Council
Opening Date: September 2020 Pupil Capacity: 210 places increasing to 420 as demand dictates. Planned Admission Number: 30 increasing to 60 as demand dictates Age Range: 4-11 years excluding nursery Gender: Mixed co-educational Nursery Provision: Up to 60 part-time sessions (30FTE) places for year olds, increasing to 60 FTE places as demand dictates.

5 The new school The school is planned to be built with seven classrooms and one nursery classroom and with core infrastructure (hall, staff room, parking etc.) for 420 places with the additional 7 classrooms and additional nursery classroom to be provided when required. North Somerset Council will deliver the build-phase.

6 The site

7 About Lighthouse Schools Partnership

8 By geography…

9 By numbers… Schools Pupils 16* 7,171 % Secondary Schools 3 20 4,747 59
Primary schools 5 27 1,309 16 Infant schools 4 866 11 Junior schools 1,192 15 * We have Academy orders for six further primaries in the Flax Bourton and the Chew Valley areas to join in Jan Of our existing 16 schools, 9 are Ofsted Good and 7 are Ofsted Outstanding.

10 Our partner schools

11 Excellence from Early Years to Sixth Form
Our Vision: Collaboration between schools delivering excellence for children and young people Our Values and Beliefs: Belief in the transformational and life-enhancing power of education Service to our community Partnership and professional generosity Honesty and openness Our Aims: A rich and exciting curriculum where our pupils thrive and develop character Strong progress in outcomes, especially for disadvantaged children and young people Excellence in professional learning and development Strong and strategic leadership at all levels High quality and cost-effective central services Our Culture: Significant delegated authority to each Headteacher and Governing Body Our schools maintain their own character and distinctiveness

12 A cross-phase Trust Children and families served from 4-19
Getting educational and pastoral transition right Close links between our primaries and our secondaries Developing our curriculum pathways Financial stability

13 Our Teaching Schools network
The best training and development for our teachers and staff Collaboration with schools in our network and beyond

14 Support from the Trust Assessment approach
Director of School Improvement support visits every term Giving and receiving between schools Specialist advisory teachers Headteacher and staff networks Governors training offer Financial and HR support and systems

15 Our bid for North End A physical environment inspired by Portishead Primary School

16 Our bid for North End Values curriculum developed from best practice at Portishead Primary and at Yatton Schools

17 Our bid for North End An exciting and rich curriculum drawing on excellent examples from our existing schools

18 Our bid for North End Close collaboration and links with Yatton Schools, Backwell School and beyond ‘Community cohesion is key'

19 Get involved

20 Your questions and suggestions

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