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clouds condensation evaporation freezing humidity melting water cycle water vapor.

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3 clouds condensation evaporation freezing humidity melting water cycle water vapor

4 Concept map Work in your group to create a concept map about water.

5 Concept map

6 Read the introduction and look for key ideas
Like clouds, fog is also made up of tiny drops of water. If you have ever been in fog, you know what the inside of a cloud is like!

7 How does water change?

8 Complete the reading Listen, Stop, Write:
Listen and follow along as your teacher reads a section of text aloud. Stop reading and close your book. Write down what you understood from the reading.

9 Teacher demonstration

10 How does water move from place to place?
Share your thoughts with the class.

11 What are some examples of water changing form as part of the water cycle?
Share your thoughts with the class.

12 Where do you think most of the evaporation on earth happens?
Share your thoughts with the class.

13 Revise your concept maps
Use your understanding of the changing states of water to revise your concept map.

14 Analysis question 1 Copy the three lists of words below. List 1 List 2
vapor water evaporation liquid solid condensation melting

15 Analysis question 1 a. Look for a relationship among the words in each list. Cross out the word in each list that does not belong. List 1 List 2 List 3 vapor water evaporation liquid solid condensation melting

16 Analysis question 1 b. Circle the word in each list that includes the others. List 1 List 2 List 3 vapor water evaporation liquid solid condensation melting

17 Analysis question 1 c. Explain how the word you circled relates to the other words in the list. List 1 List 2 List 3 vapor water evaporation liquid solid condensation melting

18 Analysis question 2 The amount of water on the earth today is the same as it was 100 years ago. Use your knowledge from this activity to explain how this could be true.

19 How does water change?

20 Key vocabulary definitions
Cloud - A visible collection of water droplets in the atmosphere. Clouds usually form hundreds of meters above Earth’s surface but fog is a cloud formed near Earth’s surface. Condensation - The process of change in state from gas to liquid, or the droplets of liquid formed from this process.

21 Key vocabulary definitions
Evaporation - The process of change in state from a liquid to a gas. Freezing - To change from a liquid to a solid state. Humidity - The amount of water vapor in the air.

22 Key vocabulary definitions
Melting - To change from a solid to liquid state.

23 Key vocabulary definitions
Water cycle - The movement of water from one state to another as it circulates through the earth’s crust, oceans, and atmosphere. Water evaporates from the surface, rises and cools at higher elevations, condenses as rain or snow, and falls to the surface where it collects in lakes, oceans, soil, and rocks underground.

24 Key vocabulary definitions
Water vapor - Water in a gaseous state.

25 Clouds and weather What are the types of clouds and what weather are they each associated with? Find out by going to the Issues and Earth Science page of the SEPUP website to link to this information.

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