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Introduction to Federal Funding

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1 Introduction to Federal Funding
DGA Roundtable

2 OSP Pre Award Responsible for all federal & state grants for UI
Assist faculty in preparing grant proposals and reports AOR submits when required by federal sponsors Ensure application and project are in compliance with federal regulations & UI policies

3 Terminology & Acronyms
Glossary: arn-grants/grant-terminology.html RFA- Request for Applications, same as RFP RFP- Request for Proposals, same as RFA

4 Terminology & Acronyms
AOR - Authorized Organization Representative: submits a grant on behalf of UI. Only the AOR has the authority to sign and submit grant applications. PI – Principal Investigator: the person heading the project, usually a Ph.D. PM – Project Manager: the person heading the project

5 Terminology & Acronyms
Grant – A financial gift to enable the enactment of a certain project, program or activity that has social benefit. Does not need to be repaid. Contract - A grant is distinguished from a contract, which is used to acquire property or services for the federal government's direct benefit or use. Cooperative Agreement: financial assistance that is used to enter into the same kind of relationship as a grant; but is different in that it provides for substantial involvement between the federal agency and the recipient in carrying out the activity contemplated by the award. Video

6 Terminology & Acronyms
Cost Sharing or Matching: The portion of project or program costs not borne by the federal government. Direct Costs: expenses that are directly & solely incurred by the funded project. Eg: salaries & benefits, travel, equipment, stipends. Indirect Costs/F&A (Facilities & Administration): expenses incurred by the institution that are shared. Eg: payroll, rent, utilities, administration. At UI, we compute indirects at different % of direct costs based on type of research and project location. There are exceptions though.

7 Terminology & Acronyms
New: never before submitted Renewal: Additional funding to continue previously funded research/project Continuation: Funding for a segment of a multi year project Supplemental: Additional funding to a currently funded project period Resubmission: An unfunded application that has been modified following initial review and resubmitted for new consideration Revision: a funded proposal that requires substantial changes in the budget or scope of work

8 Next time…Intro to Budget Development!

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