CSC Electronics Installation and Commissioning CSCE I&C

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1 CSC Electronics Installation and Commissioning CSCE I&C
19-April-05 CSC Electronics Installation and Commissioning CSCE I&C Fred Borcherding 22-Nov-18 PC I&C

2 YE+3,2,&1 in UXC55 Shown YE+3 sitting under lowering shaft
Lifting hardware being removed All 3 diks fit Tower levels mate to balconies Hope to start CSC installation on disks in early January 2007 22-Nov-18 PC I&C

3 GAS Room Gas room is being prepared RPC Gas CSC Gas 22-Nov-18 PC I&C

4 USC55 Work area and underground control room [upper left]
Will be tables for laptops and work benches Partitions being installed LV racks [upper right] One for CSC S2 [lower right] Electronics racks on right PC racks on left S1 [lower right] Electronics racks Open space on right Possible future work space 22-Nov-18 PC I&C

5 USC55 Level S1 S1 Counting Room Ready for serious installation
FED racks with doors And layout drawing HE1/1 with door HV racks with doors Ready for serious installation After Christmas shutdown 22-Nov-18 PC I&C

6 Schedule Milestones There are several ‘external events’ that drive our schedule Pre Lowering Now through movement to shaft Permanent work only within a disk, no disk to disk work Post Lowering (Dec-Feb) Arrival in UXC55 and movement to +Z end of pit Same as above but now have a moving target Disk positioned in UXC55 (Jan-Mar) In position at +Z end but no connections done May have special access problems Cable chain and ‘services’ to YE+1 (April) Cable chain and ‘services’ to YE+2 Cable chain and ‘services’ to YE+3 Ditto for –Z Most time here is pre-lowering Everyone’s schedule will be impacted by these Milestones Services ONLY through CABLE CHAINS include Power to turbines Power to LVPS Cooling water to racks and chambers Fiber Optic installation Dates with Milestones are gross guesses really & mine alone Milestones are for USC55 as well HV cannot be applied until cable chains and services connected to a disk LV cannot be applied … Fiber optic links cannot be installed … The pre lowering of –Z can be split into significant periods Now through finish DT installation No face work But scaffold on YE-1 DT finished through YB0 lowering May open somewhat for face work Scaffold? YB0 lowering through –Z Endcap lowering Wide open spaces SX5 is ours But once minus endcap starts its lowering it will probably be on critical path and not alloted much time to complete connections and commissioning 22-Nov-18 PC I&C

7 Work Lists Generic Pre Lowering for +Z Post Lowering
Install in USC55 Install long cables from USC55 to UXC55 plus Post Lowering Whatever work can be done Disk positioned in UXC55 Work on racks Work on rack to CSC connections Work on PP to rack routings Cable chain and ‘services’ to YE+1 Connect from YE+1 hardware to USC55 Test this hardware Commission this hardware Cable chain and ‘services’ to YE+2 Same as above for 2 Cable chain and ‘services’ to YE+3 And for 3 Pre Lowering for –Z Install long cables from USC55 to UXC55 minus Work within each disk on surface Seriously consider what temporary services you will need to make full use of this time & to shorten time after lowering Peripheral Crate Electronics Pre Lowering for –Z Test TS4 (8,9) CSCs Other work finished!! Post Lowering Install bottom racks Disk positioned in UXC55 Continue work on racks Do PC I&C on bottom racks with LGB Install FO boxes and jumper cables on all racks Run LGB tester on all PCs Cable chain and ‘services’ to YE+1 Connect FO jumpers to modules When LV and Water available add to CSC Commissioning Cable chain and ‘services’ to YE+2 Same as above for 2 Cable chain and ‘services’ to YE+3 And for 3 Prepare final racks PC I&C in final racks with LGB Develop Little Green Barrack, LGB Incorporate ME1/3 Install temporary hardware for slice test Also do all steps above to +Z up to Cable … 22-Nov-18 PC I&C

8 Project Status Task Person Schedule BAR code FED S. Durkin yes yes
PC Computers S. Durkin yes - DAQ Farm S. Durkin yes - CSC & PC El M. Ignatenko yes yes LVPS A. Golyash yes no PCMB A. Golyash yes partial HV for ME1/1 V. Karjavine generic no HV A. Madorski generic yes Track Finder D. Holmes generic yes CSC Gas V. Andreev generic no (needed?) Alignment O. Prokofiev, V. Sknar generic yes Fiber Optics T.Y. Ling, F. Geurts generic no DCS B Clare generic - Schedule >> yes indicates specific schedule exists for this work, generic indicates no specific schedule presented for this work. 22-Nov-18 PC I&C

9 No Balcony The balcony is missing on the near (+X) side at the far +Z end Opening to small shaft access from pit Will present access problems for work Armando has assurances from infra group that scaffold will be supplied to insure access 22-Nov-18 PC I&C

10 Safety Underground Extra safety tips: Have a lamp on your helmet
The safety lights are not very bright Learn your way around the labyrinth It is easy to become lost because most tunnels curve Wander around and learn where each room is relative to others and emergency exits Take first aid training Required for one or more member(s) of each group working underground Practical since professional aid personnel are farther away than for surface work 22-Nov-18 PC I&C

11 Conclusion Beginning to look like an experiment
MTCC finished OK YE+3, 2 and 1 lowered USC55 looking like an electronics room(s) Work will now take place on surface and underground SX5, UXC55 and USC55 Our detector has been split into two detectors Very different conditions for +Z and –Z ends -Z Above ground much the same as to now; cold, dirty and cramped all external connections to each disk are temporary +Z Below ground eventually ‘permanent’ connections but not a first new experience working underground 22-Nov-18 PC I&C

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