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The Sponges Phylum Porifera.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sponges Phylum Porifera."— Presentation transcript:

1 the Sponges Phylum Porifera

2 I. General Information Kingdom : Animalia Phylum : Porifera
Porifera = “pore bearer” Yellow barrel sponge Pink lumpy sponge

3 I. General Information Size range – 1 cm to 2 meters in diameter
Giant Barrel sponges

4 II. Body Structure Ostia – pores – many, water IN
Oscula – large opening(s), one or few, water OUT osculum

5 II. Body Structure C. Choanocytes – collar cells; have flagella
D. Amoebocytes – transport food to layer of cells not on the surface

6 II. Body Structure E. Spicules – “skeleton” hard splinter-like;
made of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) or silica (Si) F. Spongin – flexible protein

7 III. Level of organization
A. Cellular B. Eukaryotic C. No tissues Japanese Deep Sea Sponge

8 IV. Symmetry A. Some asymetrical B. Some radial

9 V. Habitat Aquatic - A. Marine and B. Fresh-water Purple Rope sponge
Fresh-water Sponge

10 VI. Feeding Heterotrophic Filter feeders Food trapped by choanocytes
Intracellular digestion (within the cell) No digestive tract

11 VI. Feeding Water & food goes in via ostia
Choanocytes trap food in spongocoel Amoebocytes carry food to inner layer of cells Water out osculum

12 VII. Respiration - via diffusion

13 VIII. Internal transport
via diffusion

14 IX. Excretion Via DIFFUSION!!!!!

15 IX. Response NONE ! No Nervous System No cephalization
Pipe organ sponge

16 X. Locomotion = movementor motility Larvae Free- swimming, use cilia
Adults Sessile (do NOT move)

17 XI. Reproduction Asexual budding b. gemmules formed in
stress conditions

18 XI. Reproduction 2. Sexual a. Most monoecious =
both sexes in same organism (hermaphrodites) egg & sperm produced cross fertilization egg + sperm => free-swimming larvae

19 XI. Reproduction 2. Sexual b. Some dioecious Separate sexes
Egg OR sperm produced Sponge releasing sperm

20 XII. Ecological Roles Habitat for other aquatic animals
B. Food for some

21 XII. Ecological Roles C. Home use: bathing, cleaning,
home improvement, other

22 XII. Ecological Roles D. Medical research Sponges do not get cancer
Why not? Maybe we can use what keeps them from getting cancer to treat humans………..

23 Azure Vase Sponge

24 Giant Barrel Sponge

25 White Cryptic Sponge

26 Elephant Ear Sponge

27 Stove pipe sponge

28 Yellow Vase Sponges

29 Yellow Barrel Sponge

30 Red Branch Sponge

31 How deep would the oceans be if there were no sponges?

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