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The world of Macbeth Louise Smalley.

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1 The world of Macbeth Louise Smalley

2 The time …. Macbeth was written in a time when the town was politically, religiously and socially unstable. It was written by Shakespeare with the story being set in Scotland in the middle ages, eleventh century. Macbeth was written in 1606, early in the reign of James I, who had been James VI of Scotland before he succeeded to the English throne in

3 The play …. It is a story of Macbeth, a Scottish general, whose greed for power and fortune, combined with his moral weaknesses, lead him down a path of murder and treachery which ultimately results in the death of his wife and himself. Macbeths actions were influenced by the proficies of three witches and the dishonourable influences of his wife, Lady Macbeth. Macbeths treacherous activities lead him to murder people who he considered friends or anyone who got in the way of his ultimate rise to power to become king.

4 The issues… Assassination and murder – The assassination of King Duncan sparked the line of numerous murders on Macbeths rise to power. Lack of morality- Macbeths lack of morals is what sets him apart from Banquo, and leads him down a path of destruction. Differentiation of right from wrong- Macbeth acknowledged the differences between right and wrong but chose to ignore them in favour becoming king. Treachery- The violation of faith or beliefs. Succumbing to evil tendencies- the lour of great power was so overwhelming that it overrode Macbeths moral judgement. Pressure and insecurities- Pressured by Lady Macbeth to kill the king and take control over the empire. Trust- the issue of trust between Macbeth, his wife and so called friends.

5 The Man Macbeth… Easily persuaded Morally weak Insecure of his actions
Brave soldier Powerful Easily tempted Ambitious Murderer


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