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Macbeth Background to the Play. Origin of the Play Shakespeare was talented in creative dramatization of an existing story, not creating an original story.

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Presentation on theme: "Macbeth Background to the Play. Origin of the Play Shakespeare was talented in creative dramatization of an existing story, not creating an original story."— Presentation transcript:

1 Macbeth Background to the Play

2 Origin of the Play Shakespeare was talented in creative dramatization of an existing story, not creating an original story often consulted Holinsheds Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland Idea was based off of a real Macbeth that became King of Scotland in 1040


4 Real vs. Play Macbeth kills a weak, youthful, inexperienced King Duncan Macbeths wife is hardly mentioned Macbeth reigns for 17 years and survived the battles that returned Malcom to the throne Macbeth murders on older, well-respected King Duncan Strong, ambitious Lady Macbeth Macbeths reign is short; hes defeated and beheaded

5 Why the changes? Besides being more interesting of a story, the short answer is King James I

6 James I Was appointed King of England by Queen Elizabeth I (his distant cousin). He was King James VI of Scotland at the time, which made him the first monarch to join England and Scotland together peacefully

7 James I was a Stuart. –All monarchs were worried about keeping power, and despite having the throne for 8 generations, the Stuarts worried their decent to the throne in Scotland would one day be disputed because they came from a commoner (a steward) that was the husband of a royal family member.

8 James I In the early 1500s, a Stuart king hired a historian/PR guy that invented a family connection to a fictional Banquo from the time of Macbeth. This made the Stuart claim to the throne sound legit. in this made up ancestor story, a goddess of Scottish destiny (supernatural) told Banquo that his descendents would one day become kings of Scotland

9 James I After James came to power in England, he quickly became the patron of Shakespeares theater company Macbeth was written to please Shakespeares patron Details of the story on purpose make Banquo look like a stellar guy…in Holinsheds Chronicles, Banquo was involved in the conspiracy to murder King Duncan

10 Shakespearean Tragic Hero born of nobility makes an error in judgment falls from great height or esteem has a tragic flaw (hamartia)

11 More tragic hero characteristics realizes has made an irreversible mistake faces and accepts death with honor affects the audience with fear and pity meets a tragic death

12 Numerous universal themes can be found within Macbeth. Here are 4 biggies

13 Macbeth Theme #1 –Fate vs. Freewill – whether destiny or choice decides a mans future

14 Macbeth Theme #2 –Ambition - corrupting force of unchecked ambition

15 Macbeth Theme #3 –Power – a good ruler vs. a tyrant

16 Macbeth Theme #4 Masculinity vs. Femininity – look at Lady Macbeth

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