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Find a Friend From the Card

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Presentation on theme: "Find a Friend From the Card"— Presentation transcript:

1 Find a Friend 2 3 1 From the Card
2vs vs. 4 plus target players (+ floaters) Try to get the ball to target players 1 2 Diagonal Game 4 vs target players – play diagonally to score – when scoring get ball back and play the other way Maximum of 4 goals in one sequence and then other team get ball (if they haven’t won it back during flow of the game) Unopposed Practice 3 teams of 4 – one team occupy corner boxes 2 teams with one ball per team receive from corner boxes and work ball to another corner box – continuously repeat Change corner box team Give teams 2, 3 or 4 balls 3 3 points 1 point Outnumbered Practice 5 vs box players 1 point if playing across pitch, 2 points if playing forward and 3 points if playing diagonally Upon scoring, receive back and scoring process continues from where ball is fed in from If red’s regain, play in the same way 2 points

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