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IT: The Caterpillar.

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1 IT: The Caterpillar

2 Instructions If you have a large class group playing The Caterpillar game, you can use the blank dice in your pack and number them from 1 to 3 (twice). There will then be chance for more children to take a turn and will keep the “counting on” number low which will help them to master the counting on process. The PowerPoint slide with two caterpillar number lines is projected on the screen. The children are divided into two teams. A child throws the die for his/her team. At each throw of the die, the same child counts on (e.g. if the previous place was 5, and the child threw a 2, the child counts ‘six, seven’) and then holds up a card showing the number where the team is now. Then a child from the other team comes to the front, throws the die, counts on, and picks the card with the number where the team moved to. The team who gets to 20 first wins the game. The game is played twice to reinforce the idea of counting on and to encourage every child to have a go at counting on.

3 3 6 19 4 18 16 20 17 2 10 9 13 12 11 14 start 8 7 15 5 1 3 6 19 4 18 16 20 17 2 10 9 13 12 11 14 start 8 7 15 5 1

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