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2 Acknowledgments EFT 2012 Tappers Gathering Craig Weiner – Daimon Sweeney – My Experience – EFT is amazingly effective. My Question - How does EFT work? This led to: ICE Method – This presentation

3 What Youll Learn 1. Emotions create molecules called peptides. 2. Peptides instruct our bodies. 3. Peptides glue our memories together. 4. And a little bit more.

4 Part One – Peptides Molecules and Emotions How do you feel about science? Whats the emotion?

5 Thoughts Create Peptides We make a peptide each time we have a thought The specific peptide corresponds to our specific emotion. (a peptides is a short protein string – made up of a combination of amino acids.)

6 1. Peptides Instruct Our Cells

7 Science Note Via Peptides, the Body follows the Mind. Think a thought Make a peptide Instruct your body EFT = Emotional – Freedom - Technique

8 Part One – Peptides Molecules and Emotions How do you feel about science? Whats the emotion?

9 Peptide Resource

10 Lets Get Calm For later use, lets identify whats not calm Use your science feeling or a more significant issue Emotion, Memory, or Physical Observe and Note Space between Points Method (Frank Kinslow)

11 Create Calm Peptides in a Calm State Cell membrane open. Cells rest, restore, and heal. Even though….I love and accept myself. Tapping is calming. Calm & Peace

12 Fight-or-Flight State Cell Membrane closes and moves into protection mode. Focus changes from long term health to immediate survival. We overuse this state Anger Fear

13 Note: Calm differs from Meditation Calm State allows mind to be engaged, but body to be in rest and healing mode.

14 Calm State Resource

15 Your Current Circle of Calm Present and Calm

16 The tiger Is the tiger a real physical reality, a true threat to your physical well being? If yes – fight/flight will trigger automatically If no – you can observe that the tiger is just in your mind and return to calm state. This is a valuable distinction to learn and use for health and well-being.

17 How can we expand the circle? Present and Calm

18 Part Two – Peptides and Memory In Part One we learned Every emotion we have creates a peptide in our bodies This peptide is the instruction for our bodys function We can create calm and peaceful peptides! This is a part of what makes EFT effective. In Part Two we will discover Peptides are the glue that holds our memories together Memories can be reglued We experience this with EFT, heres the science.

19 Peptides Glue Our Memories Synapse

20 Science Note Via Peptides, the Body follows the Mind. Think a thought Make a peptide Instruct your body EFT = Emotional – Freedom - Technique

21 Memories Wired Together by Emotion

22 Memories Can be Reglued? Pause Consider Absorb Reconsider our old idea that the emotions of our memories are forever. Reconsider that the only way around old traumas is to build new habits, new neural pathways. We know this happens in EFT. Here is the scientific neurochemistry of the process.

23 Memories Can be Reglued! Recalled Memories become labile, or fragile. Recalled Memories must be reconsolidated Intervene with a different emotional state and the emotional content of memories can be permanently replaced. This awareness was only scientifically discovered in 2004.

24 Memory Reconsolidation -3 Steps 1. Become aware of the memory of an event, an emotion, or a physical sensation that is not calm. The associated peptides that glue this memory are now activated, in tech terms, the memory is now labile. This peptide glue must now be replaced.

25 Memory Reconsolidation Complete Old Peptide Activated

26 Memory Reconsolidation –Step 2 2. Enter the Calm State If nothing is done, the old peptide recreates the old emotion, which creates more of the same peptide. If we intervene with the calm state, calm peptides are created and become available to replace the old peptide. Tapping, like the calm state exercise, can create an alternative emotional state.

27 New Peptide

28 Memory Reconsolidation –Step 3 3. Observe the old memory again. The calm peptide replaces the old glue. Memory remains, emotional glue peptide has been replaced with a peptide of calm and peace. The back and forth of tapping, between old state and new acceptance replaces peptides.

29 Check Your Issue Observe the issue you identified at the beginning of this talk. Is the emotion the same or different? Is the physical sensation the same or different? Is the charge on the memory the same or different?

30 Memory Reconsolidation Complete New Peptide

31 This is how we expand the circle! Back and forth. Calm

32 Memories Can be Reglued! Recalled Memories become labile, or fragile. Recalled Memories must be reconsolidated Intervene with a different emotional state and the emotional content of memories can be permanently replaced. This awareness was only scientifically discovered in 2004.

33 Memory Reconsolidation Resource

34 Permanence Memory Reconsolidation is believed to be permanent. The only way known to science to change the emotion of a memory is through an exchange process. If you dont do anything intentional to a memory, the emotion stays the same. Once its calm, why would you want to change it later? I believe this is the neuroscience of what happens when EFT effects permanent changes.

35 Part 3 – Practice and Issues Part One The Peptides –created by our emotions. Calm State – Peptides of calm and peace Part Two Memory Reconsolidation In Part Three we will consider Why Gary Craig insists we focus on the negative Fibromyalgia Study Results and questions Peptides and the Quantum Field. If a thought that weighs nothing, creates a peptide that weighs something, whats going on?

36 Why we focus on the negative. We activate negative emotions so they become fragile and can be replaced via memory reconsolidation.

37 Positive can be a work-around Take care with the positive: When we focus on the positive we are not replacing negative emotional peptide glue. The positive creastes new neural pathways which build brain pathways AROUND the old emotion. Essentially the positive focus creates a new habit. A habit is not the same as calm – it takes ongoing energy to maintain.

38 Core Issue This distinction between working on the negative versus building the positive relates to: EFTs discovery of core issues. EFTs Personal Peace Procedure

39 Fibromyalgia Study 39 Patients – single session only. Frida Fibromyalgia Center, Portland, OR. Sessions followed regular medical appointments. Session lasted 15 to 90 minutes. Fall, 2012.

40 Fibromyalgia Patient Pain Levels

41 Fibromyalgia Study Results

42 Study Observations For those who entered calm state – pain went to zero for 80% of patients in their single session. Relief turned out to be temporary for most. Most patients did not answer my calls or emails asking for follow-up information and offering follow- up sessions. WHY?

43 What Happened? In Calm State, and using memory reconsolidation, patients experienced pain relief. Upon return to daily environment they were likely confronted with fight/flight situations again and body returned to fibromyalgia symptoms. Why didnt patients seek out the further sessions I offered to them?

44 Fight or Flight The two point calm exercise is a way to transition a person from an activated emotional state (fight/flight) to a calm state. Ironically, when youre in fight/flight mode, calm doesnt appear as a solution, it appears as a danger. How would being calm help you get away from the tiger?

45 The tiger Is the tiger a real physical reality, a true threat to your physical well being? If yes – fight/flight will trigger automatically If no – you can observe that the tiger is just in your mind and return to calm state. This is a valuable distinction to learn and use for health and well-being.

46 How to Make Healing Last? Newtonian World – Mass Matter

47 How to Make Healing Last? Quantum – Energy, Field Matter Quantum Field

48 How to Make Healing Last? Quantum – Energy, Field Matter Quantum Field

49 Quantum Field Resource

50 How to Make Healing Last? Quantum – Energy, Field Matter Quantum Field

51 How to Make Healing Last? Quantum – Energy, Field Matter Peptides Quantum Field

52 The tiger Is the tiger a real physical reality, a true threat to your physical well being? If yes – fight/flight will trigger automatically If no – you can observe that the tiger is just in your mind and return to calm state. This is a valuable distinction to learn and use for health and well-being.

53 How to Make Healing Last? Quantum – Energy, Field Matter Peptides Quantum Field No Time No Space Everything Connected Holographic

54 Evolution Resource

55 How to Make Healing Last? Quantum – Energy, Field Matter Peptides Quantum Field No Time No Space Everything Connected Holographic Love – God – Nothing – – Source – All – I Am – Wisdom - Stillness

56 How to Make Healing Last? Science – The interface between the material world and the energetic world is peptides. Do EFT or any process that activates memory reconsolidation. Become aware of connection to Quantum Field– to All Spirit – Do EFT or any process that activates memory reconsolidation. Peace of God – Love of Neighbor – No difference between Source and Self and Others.

57 How to Make Healing Last. Tap for everything. Present and Calm


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