How to write informal letters?

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Presentation on theme: "How to write informal letters?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to write informal letters?
The presentation was made by Savina Mariya Andreevna, teacher of English (school №2 of Pitkyaranta)

INFORMAL LETTERS We write informal letters to friends and relatives you know, or to people our own age

3 An informal letter should BE WRITTEN IN AN INFORMAL STYLE:
EVERYDAY VOCABULARY e.g. It’s taken me a while to… SHORT FORMS e.g. I’d, I’ve, there’s COLLOQUIAL EXPRESSIONS/ IDIOMS e.g. I thought I’d drop you a line PHRASAL VERBS e.g. settle in, getting on

4 IT IS AN INFORMAL LETTER, ISN’T IT? Find examples of informal style
Dear Jane, How are you doing? I’m really well, but it’s taken me a while to settle in. It’s been four months now since I moved, so I thought I’d drop you a line to let you know how I’ve been getting on. Dublin is a really exciting city. There’re always something going on. In fact, there are so many cafes, cinemas, sports facilities and shopping centers that it’s sometimes difficult to decide what to do! There are lots of interesting people here, too. Even thought I’ve only been here for a short time, I’ve already made quite a few new friends. I’m really enjoying life here, but I still miss Ashby from time to time. It’s more industrial here and there are a lot more traffic jams and crowds – I nave to be really careful when I’m riding my bike! What I miss most though is my old friends – especially you! Well, that’s all my news for now. Write back and let me know what you’ve been up to since I last saw you. You’re always welcome to come and visit – I’d really love that. Say hi to the rest of the gang! Yours, Fiona Check EVERYDAY VOCABULARY SHORT FORMS PHRASAL VERBS COLLOQUIAL EXPRESSIONS/ IDIOMS

A letter giving your news A letter asking for suggestion/advice A letter of apology A get-well letter A letter congratulating someone A letter home to your parents A letter asking for/giving advice A letter asking for/giving information A thank-you letter A reply to a party invitation

MATCH THE BEGINNINGS (1-4) TO THE ENDING (A-d). WHAT TYPE OF LETTER IS EACH PAIR FROM? 1. Hi Jane! Sorry to hear that you’re not getting on very well with your brother. May be I can help! Anyway, that’s all for now! Write and tell me your news! Love, Andy A letter giving your news 2. Hi! How are you? I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about what happened last Monday. B. I hope we get a chance to discuss things. Once again, I’m really sorry. Yours, Dan A letter giving advice C. Anyway, I hope my advice helps! Write and tell me how you get on. Lots of love, Jill xxx 3. Dear Matt, Hi! I haven’t heard from you for ages so I thought I’d drop you a line! A thank-you letter D. Well, that’s about all. Thanks again for the gift, Grandma. See you soon. Love, Luke xxx 4. Dear Grandma, Thanks SO much for the birthday present. I absolutely loved it. A letter of apology

1. Hi Jane! Sorry to hear that you’re not getting on very well with your brother. May be I can help! C. Anyway, I hope my advice helps! Write and tell me how you get on. Lots of love, Jill xxx A letter giving advice B. I hope we get a chance to discuss things. Once again, I’m really sorry. Yours, Dan 2. Hi! How are you? I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about what happened last Monday. A letter of apology 3. Dear Matt, Hi! I haven’t heard from you for ages so I thought I’d drop you a line! Anyway, that’s all for now! Write and tell me your news! Love, Andy A letter giving your news D. Well, that’s about all. Thanks again for the gift, Grandma. See you soon. Love, Luke xxx 4. Dear Grandma, Thanks SO much for the birthday present. I absolutely loved it. A thank-you letter

8 An informal letter should include:
PART OF THE LETTER EXAMPLES INFORMAL GREETING Dear/Hi (+ person’s name) or just Hi! INTRODUCTION WITH OPENING REMARKS How are you? I’m fine but I’ve been really busy (and your reason for writing) MAIN BODY CONTAINING THE MAIN POINT(S) OF THE LETTER CONCLUTION WITH CLOTHING REMARKS That’s all for now. Write back soon. INFORMAL ENDING Love from.../ Lots of love/ See you soon/ Best wishes/ Yours + name or your name

9 Match the numerals and THE PARTS OF THE LETTER
1. Dear Jane, 2. How are you doing? I’m really well, but it’s taken me a while to settle in. It’s been four months now since I moved, so I thought I’d drop you a line to let you know how I’ve been getting on. 3. Dublin is a really exciting city. There’re always something going on. In fact, there are so many cafes, cinemas, sports facilities and shopping centers that it’s sometimes difficult to decide what to do! There are lots of interesting people here, too. Even thought I’ve only been here for a short time, I’ve already made quite a few new friends. I’m really enjoying life here, but I still miss Ashby from time to time. It’s more industrial here and there are a lot more traffic jams and crowds – I nave to be really careful when I’m riding my bike! What I miss most though is my old friends – especially you! 4. Well, that’s all my news for now. Write back and let me know what you’ve been up to since I last saw you. You’re always welcome to come and visit – I’d really love that. Say hi to the rest of the gang! 5. Yours, Fiona INTRODUCTION GREETING MAIN BODY ENDING CONCLUSION

Before beginning a piece of writing, you need to make sure you understand the rubric. Underline the key words. These will tell you: You recently moved to a big city and have decided to write a letter to your friend back in your small town. Write a letter describing life in the city and your feelings about the change. What are you going to write? Who is going to read your piece of writing? Why are you writing a letter? What should your letter include?

How are you doing? I’m really well, but it’s taken me a while to settle in. It’s been four months now since I moved, so I thought I’d drop you a line to let you know how I’ve been getting on. Dublin is a really exciting city. There’re always something going on. In fact, there are so many cafes, cinemas, sports facilities and shopping centers that it’s sometimes difficult to decide what to do! There are lots of interesting people here, too. Even thought I’ve only been here for a short time, I’ve already made quite a few new friends. I’m really enjoying life here, but I still miss Ashby from time to time. It’s more industrial here and there are a lot more traffic jams and crowds – I have to be really careful when I’m riding my bike! What I miss most though is my old friends – especially you! Well, that’s all my news for now. Write back and let me know what you’ve been up to since I last saw you. You’re always welcome to come and visit – I’d really love that. Say hi to the rest of the gang! Yours, Fiona EVERYDAY VOCABULARY SHORT FORMS PHRASAL VERBS COLLOQUIAL EXPRESSIONS/ IDIOMS

12 Ресурсы Фото Английский язык. 10 класс : учеб. для общеобразов. учреждений/[О.В. Афанасьева, Дж.Дули, И.В.Михеева и др.] е изд.-М. : ExpressPublishing : Просвещение, 2011 Английский язык. 10 класс : книга для учителя/[О.В. Афанасьева, Дж.Дули, И.В.Михеева и др.] е изд.-М. : ExpressPublishing : Просвещение, 2010

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