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Customer Satisfaction

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1 Customer Satisfaction
Amy White – Head of Quality & Performance Stuart Flannigan – Service User Council Member

2 Who we are Substance misuse charity across England & Scotland
Group Structure (2 mergers in last 3yrs) Largest provider of residential rehabilitation Only specialist substance misuse Housing Association We supported over 26,000 people last year

3 Strength Expertise Passion Our values and beliefs
Broad range of services Financial stability Investment History Strength Over 40 years of experience Experts by Experience Phoenix Reunited Evidence based approach Expertise Innovation Continuous improvement Celebrating Recovery Want to be the best Passion

4 Our customers Service users Family & carers Local communities
Commissioners & funders

5 Our Approach Understanding needs Responding to meet needs
Involving and Empowering our Staff and service users Understanding needs Responding to meet needs Obtaining results We adopt a range of methods to understand our customers and what their needs are. We use this to develop creative, innovative and effective ways to respond to their needs. This enables us to obtain excellent results Throughout the process we ensure staff and service users are involved and empowered. I will talk through each stage in more depth in this presentation

6 Understanding needs Structured Research
Service user satisfaction survey Service user involvement strategy Compliments and complaints Data and evidence Ethos – we are continuously striving to improve. We ensure any innovations and developments respond to genuine needs and gaps. Research - footprints study - snapshot. We have learnt a lot e.g. been in care (25%) compared to national average (1%) We work with universities and leading experts in the field such as Professor David Best and Professor John Strang SUSS - Every service twice a year. Analyse centrally. Publish result in service. Pledge poster. SUI Strategy - Launched Appointed SU Involvement Manager. Unique approach. Reps trained and involved at a service level, recruitment, forums, co-facilitating groups. SU council - Consulted and involved, range of activities. mystery shopping, feedback on policy, support Service User reps. Forums – every 4-5 weeks, minutes published. You said we did boards. Compliments and complaints – actively promote at induction, through posters and leaflets KPI-s – Look at completions, representations, numbers in National data and evidence – changes in presenting needs, research, evidence

7 Responding to needs Approach to Innovation Volunteers & peer mentors
Creative, open & flexible Refined our approach over time. FIT team, excellent ideas e.g Reins for Recovery. Now focus on embedding, special projects and is needs led. Volunteers 15 in 2010 to 280 today. Linked to therapeutic interventions RtN 16,300 voluntary hours last year. Peer mentors recruited 160 just over 2 peer mentoring services. We are creative, open and flexible in responding to needs for example: Kennels – commissioner and SU feedback. Eliminating barriers Be Chilled – Evidence change of SU profile, NPS not coming into services, go to them. Launched service Aug 15. First Quarter trained 10 volunteers, made over 250 individual contacts. Use social media Grace House – Staff and SU in Holloway, Governor, conducted forums, built on current best practice, complex needs evidence, internal analysis women in treatment Voyage – innovation team award winner 2012 – 100 service users, 6 voyages a year

8 Obtaining results 39% Satisfaction 8.95 NHS 7.5 Circle – 66.7%
One Housing – 68.5% 8.95 Satisfaction 39% Parent provider report on successful completions, PHE, compares all services delivered by that provider. CRI and TP two competitors, two biggest. Residential services – PHE national benchmark completions, 77%, picked similar services 63%, Phoenix 78% Community alcohol – PHE national benchmark 59% well exceeded at 76%

9 Our approach in action…
Research SU feedback Colleagues in Belgium Staff feedback Noticed high attrition early. Wanted to improve retention. Set up residential strategy working group. TC involves taking on a whole new language and way of being which can be tough at first. Spoke to SUs to understand their experiences, staff ideas, visited De Kiem in Belgium. Idea of Welcome House. Tested it out. Result – positive completions have increased from 55% in 2011 to 78% in 2014. We want to understand why – study with National Addiction Centre.

10 My Phoenix Journey

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