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Introduction to Chemistry

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1 Introduction to Chemistry
The goal of chemistry is to connect the macroscopic world you live in to the microscopic world that makes it all work

2 Natural Sciences Earth Biological Physical Earth Biology
Astronomy- heavens Geology – rocks, fossils, planet formation Biology Botany – plants Zoology - animals Physical Physics – study of energy and how it affects matter Chemistry – study of matter and how it changes

3 6 specializations in Chemistry
1) Inorganic –anything BUT carbon 2) Organic – carbon chemists 3) Biochemist –reactions of living things 4) Analytical – “What is in it and how much?” 5) Physical – How does energy alter a reaction? 6) Nuclear – reactions involving the nucleus

4 What do chemists do? 1) Research: discovery of new materials/methods
There are 3 types of chemists: 1) Research: discovery of new materials/methods Pure – knowledge for the sake of knowing Applied – solves a specific problem 2) Development: Large scale production 3) Production: products are pure and made efficiently

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6 You use chemicals everyday:
Artificial flavorings & colorings, plastics preservatives, pharmaceuticals, textiles . . .

7 Theory- an explanation that has been tested by repeated experimentation. (explains why)
Law- states a repeated observation about nature. (explains what)

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