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New Media Politics Writing Prompt:

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Presentation on theme: "New Media Politics Writing Prompt:"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Media Politics Writing Prompt:
Write a short paragraph detailing what you used the Internet for this weekend? Be specific with examples (eg. watched a film online, or accessed Sakai). Where did you access the Internet, and on which devices? What internet speed did you have? Did you experience any problems?

2 What is “New” Media? Digital, require computer technology
Examples: Internet, websites, digital games, interactive fiction, apps, software, etc. NOT(?): radio, television, film, books Integration of images, words, sounds Interactive Other considerations: format, medium, skills

3 Internet: Early Expectations
Democratizing media Consumers-producers Global Village Eliminate prejudice Techno-utopianism Peter Steiner's cartoon, as published in The New Yorker English:  Image from The New Yorker cartoon by Peter Steiner, 1993. New Yorker cartoon by Steiner, 1993

4 Two Problems Digital Divide
Economic , geographic, and social inequality in knowledge about, access to, and use of information and communication technologies (Wikipedia) Implication: Who benefits from digital tech? Persistence of prejudice Connection to Winner

5 Digital Divide, internationally
Internet Use in 2008 Visualized (Graham, Hale and Stephens)

6 Digital Divide, within the U.S.
National Broadband Map: Pew: National Broadband Map Pew Study, 2012

7 Implications of Digital Divide
Education Jobs Politics & Activism Entertainment …and more

8 Persistence of Prejudice
Internet debates reflect social realities Homophobia and Alan Turing Bikini Armor Battle Damage

9 Implications Engage critically with digital media
Become thoughtful producers Our class assignments, for this term particularly

10 Call to Action Material Access Functional Access Experiential Access
Equality in material and infrastructural conditions Functional Access Knowledge and skills necessary to use tools Experiential Access Tools are relevant to people’s lives, People involved in creating, designing, planning Critical Access Develop understanding of benefit and problems Transformative Access Transforming technology as well as society

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