American Government – Study Guide 3B

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1 American Government – Study Guide 3B

2 What is the purpose of a National Nominating Convention?
To announce a parties choice for President What is the purpose of public opinion? How is it measured? General attitude of public: The general ideas, attitudes or feelings of the public concerning an issue, especially when this has an effect on political decision-making. Public Opinion is measured by candidates taking polls.

3 How is the President elected?
The Electoral College Electors are elected by the popular vote from that state, then they vote for the President President shares powers with which branch? The Legislative Branch (Congress)

4 Qualifications and Benefits of the President
1. Natural Born Citizen 2. At least 35 years Old 3. A resident of the U.S. for at least 14 yrs Benefits: Secret Service (Protection), Limousines, White House, Air Force One, Marine One, $450,000 / year, Camp David

5 Which article of the Constitution is the Executive Branch in?
Article II General Election: Voters choose from all candidates for various positions.

6 Propaganda: 1. Ideas 2. Information 3. Rumors Primary Election - Is an election that is designed to narrow a party’s candidates for office down to ONE! For each party!

7 Amendments: 15TH AMENDMENT: Gave African –Americans the right to vote.
19TH AMENDMENT: Gave women the right to vote. 22ND AMENDMENT: Limits a President to 2 term limit.

8 Amendments: 24th Amendment – Outlawed the use of a Poll Tax in National Elections. 26th Amendment – lowered the age requirement from 21 to 18 years of age to vote.

9 Independent Voters - Voters that do not IDENTIFY as either REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRAT.
What is the purpose of the 12th amendment? Explains the process of electing the President and Vice President. Explain Impact of TV in elections: Increase emphasis on the candidates personal appearance. An Increase in the general public’s awareness of the campaign. An Increased cost of campaigning

10 Platform – A party statement that provides:
1. Beliefs 2. Principles 3. Positions Who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance? Francis Bellamy

11 An example of civic responsibility is?
Paying Taxes Jury Duty Voting Respecting others’ rights to an equal voice. What is soft money?. Money not subject to campaign finance limits and regulations under FECA.

12 # of Representatives + # of Senators + 3 Votes for Washington, D. C
# of Representatives + # of Senators + 3 Votes for Washington, D.C. is the : Electoral Vote The purpose of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was to: Outlaw literacy test

13 The history of the 2-party system was designed to.
The 2-party system has dominated the political arena in America. (Democrats and Republicans) The number of Electoral Votes required to win the Presidency is? 270

14 The purpose of fundraising is to
Raise money, but they are limited to the amount they can raise and spend. Fundraising is regulated by which Act? Federal Elections Campaign Act

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