Florida West International Airways, Inc.

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1 Florida West International Airways, Inc.
Normal Procedures and Recurrent Simulator Training Aid Revision #5 (06/30/10)

2 Introduction The following information is only a suggested outline and does not take the place of a thorough review of the your aircraft and company manuals as well as the GOM. The manuals are still the proper means to prepare for your training / checking session. This training aid is for reference only. It will be revised periodically to ensure consistency with the B767 Flight Crew Operations Manual (FCOM), B767 Flight Crew Training Manual (FCTM) and the General Operations Manual (GOM). However, in the event of a conflict, the applicable manual is controlling.

3 Using This Training Aid
This Training Aid is set up to review in two ways. Option 1 – Left click the mouse to advance the slides. This method views each page of the training aid in order. Option 2 - The following page contains a table of contents. Left click the mouse to advance to the table of contents. You can then view any page in the training aid by left clicking on the page name. To return to the table of contents, click on the blue arrow in the bottom corner of the page. To stop viewing this training aid at anytime, right click on the mouse and select end show. Limitations, Recall Items (Non-Normal Checklists) and Flight Profiles are set up as “flash cards.” To get the most out of this presentation you should say the answer or next item before advancing the slide to ensure you know each item.

4 Table of Contents Limitations Normal Profiles
Operational Limitations Non-AFM Operational Information RVSM Altimeter Cross Check Limits Weight Limitations Auto Flight Engine Engine Fuel System Reverse Thrust Flight Controls Navigation GPWS Look Ahead Alerting Crew Rest Module Recall Items (Non-Normal Checklists) Aborted Engine Start Airspeed Unreliable Cabin Altitude or Rapid Depressurization Dual Engine Failure Engine Fire or Severe Damage or Separation Engine Limit or Surge or Stall Normal Profiles Takeoff ILS Approach Non-ILS (Instrument Approach Using V/S) Go-Around and Missed Approach Non-Normal Profiles (1 Engine) Simulator Training/Checking Tips General Items Other Non-Normals Rejected Takeoff Steep Turns Stalls Cabin Altitude or Rapid Depressurization Non-ILS Approaches Airspeed Unreliable Engine Failure or Fire at V1 or Just After Liftoff

5 Operational Limitations
Runway Slope +/-2% Maximum Operating Altitude 43,100 feet pressure altitude Maximum Takeoff and Landing Altitude 9,500 feet pressure altitude Maximum Takeoff and Landing Tailwind Component 15 knots

6 Non-AFM Operational Information
Note: The following items are not AFM limitations, but are provided for flight crew information. Turbulent air penetration speed is 290 KIAS /.78 Mach The navigation and display system Does not support operations at latitudes greater than 87o North or South.

7 RVSM Altimeter Cross Check Limits
Standby altimeter limitation Standby altimeters do not meet altimeter accuracy requirements of RVSM. Maximum allowable in-flight difference–Captain & First Officer Altimeter The maximum allowable in-flight difference between Captain and First Officer altitude displays for RVSM operation is 200 feet. The maximum allowable on-the-ground differences between Captain and First Officer altitude displays for RVSM operation are Field Elevation Max Difference Between Captain & F/O Max Difference Between Captain or F/O & Field Elevation SEA LEVEL 40 feet 75 feet 5,000 feet 45 feet 10,000 feet 50 feet

8 Other Weight Restrictions
Weight Limitations Maximum Weight Limitations Weights Kilograms Maximum Taxi Weight (MTW) 187,333 Maximum Take Off Weight (MTOW) 186,880 Maximum Landing Weight (MLW) 147,871 Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW) 140, (141,657 with Winglets) Other Weight Restrictions Note: These weights may be further restricted by field length limits, climb limits, tire speed limits, brake energy limits, obstacle clearance, or enroute and landing requirements.

9 High Altitude Airport Use
Auto Flight Use After Takeoff After takeoff, the autopilot must not be engaged below 200 feet AGL. High Altitude Airport Use Do not use the autopilot below 100 ft. Radio Altitude at airport pressure altitudes above 8400 ft. Use of Trim Use of aileron trim with the autopilot engaged is prohibited. Maximum allowable wind speeds when landing weather minima are predicated on autoland operations animation Headwind 25 knots Crosswind Tailwind 15 knots

10 Limitation With Turbulence
Engine Limitation With Turbulence Continuous ignition must be on (engine start selector in the CONT position) while operating in severe turbulence. Note: Continuous ignition is automatically provided in icing conditions when engine anti-ice is on. Engine Vibration Flight Crew shall not blank engine vibration display during takeoff.

11 The use of JP-4 or Jet B is prohibited.
Engine Fuel System Minimum Temperature The minimum inflight fuel tank temperature is 3oC (5oF) above the freeze point of the fuel being used (Jet A: -40oC, Jet A-1: -47oC) Maximum Temperature The maximum fuel temperature is 49oC (120oF). Fuel Type Limitation The use of JP-4 or Jet B is prohibited. Center Tank The center tank may contain up to 10,000 kilograms of fuel with less than full main tanks provided center tank fuel weight plus actual zero fuel weight does not exceed the maximum zero fuel weight, and center of gravity limits are observed.

12 Reverse Thrust Reverse thrust is for ground use only.

13 Flight Controls The maximum altitude for flap extension is 20,000 feet. Avoid rapid and large alternating control inputs, especially in combination with large changes in pitch, roll, or yaw (e.g. large side slip angles) as they may result in structural failure at any speed, including below VA.

14 Navigation Do not operate under IFR or at night into airports north of 73o North or south of 60o South Latitude whose navigation aids are referenced to magnetic north.

15 Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) Look-Ahead Alerting
Do not use the terrain display for navigation. The use of look-ahead terrain alerting and terrain display functions is prohibited within 15 nm of takeoff, approach or landing at an airport not contained in the GPWS terrain database. Refer to Honeywell Document for airports and runways contained in the installed GPWS terrain database.

16 Crew Rest Module When the Crew Rest Module is required by the Federal Aviation Regulations (4-pilot crew), it is restricted to use by the essential flight crew only (pilot/co-pilot). The Crew Rest Module is also restricted to in-flight use only and is therefore not to be occupied during takeoff and landing.

17 Aborted Engine Start QRH 7.1
1 FUEL CONTROL switch (affected side) CUT OFF FUEL CONTROL SWITCH CUT OFF Note: If the start selector returned to AUTO allow N2 to decrease to 20% before reselecting GND. ENGINE START SELECTOR GND Motor Engine for a minimum of 30 seconds. If engine limit(s) not exceeded and immediate restart desired: IGNITION SELECTOR BOTH FUEL CONTROL SWITCH RUN If engine limit(s) exceeded or immediate restart not desired: ENGINE START SELECTOR AUTO

18 Airspeed Unreliable QRH 10.1
1 Check the pitch attitude and thrust. 2 If pitch attitude or thrust is not normal for phase of flight: Autopilot disengage switch ………………………………...…Push Autothrottle disconnect switch……………………………......Push F/D switches (both)……………………………………………..OFF Establish normal pitch attitude and thrust setting for phase of flight. PITCH ATTITUDE AND THRUST CHECK If pitch attitude or thrust is not normal for phase of flight: AUTOPILOT DISENGAGE AUTOTHROTTLE DISCONNECT FLIGHT DIRECTORS OFF ATTITUDE AND THRUST ADJUST Establish normal pitch attitude and thrust setting for phase of flight.

19 CABIN ALTITUDE or Rapid Depressurization QRH 2.1
1 Don the oxygen masks 2 Establish crew communications 3 Ground Call & Crew Rest Alert Switch Push 4 Check the cabin altitude and rate 5 If the cabin altitude is uncontrollable: Without delay, descend to the lowest safe Altitude or 10,000 feet, whichever is higher. To descend: Move the thrust levers to idle Extend the speedbrakes If structural integrity is in doubt, limit airspeed and avoid high maneuvering loads Descend at VMO/MMO OXYGEN MASKS ON/100% CREW COMMUNICATIONS ESTABLISH GROUND CALL AND CREW REST MODULE ALERT SWITCH PUSH CABIN ALTITUDE AND RATE CHECK If cabin altitude uncontrollable: DESCENT ACCOMPLISH Without delay, close thrust levers, extend speedbrakes,and descend at VMO/MMO. Level off at lowest safe altitude or 10,000 feet, whichever is higher. If structural integrity is in doubt, limit airspeed and avoid high maneuvering loads.

20 Dual Engine Failure QRH 7.2
1 ENG START selectors (both) FLT 2 Thrust Levers (both) IDLE 3 FUEL CONTROL switches (both) CUTOFF, then RUN 4 If engine appears stalled or EGT approaches the Standby Engine Indicator placard limit: Repeat the above step as needed. ENGINE START SELECTORS (Both) FLT THRUST LEVERS (Both) CLOSE FUEL CONTROL SWITCHES (Both) CUT OFF, THEN RUN If engine appears stalled or EGT approaches the Standby Engine Indicator placard limit: Repeat the above step as necessary.

21 ENGINE FIRE or Engine Severe Damage or Separation QRH 8.2
1 A/T ARM switch OFF 2 Thrust lever (affected side) Confirm Idle 3 FUEL CONTROL switch (affected side)...Confirm CUTOFF Engine Fire Switch (affected side) Confirm Pull If the engine fire warning light is illuminated: Engine fire switch Rotate to the stop and hold for 1 second If after 30 seconds the engine fire warning light stays illuminated: Engine fire switch..... Rotate to the other stop and hold for 1 second AUTOTHROTTLE ARM SWITCH OFF THRUST LEVER CLOSE FUEL CONTROL SWITCH CUT OFF ENGINE FIRE SWITCH PULL If engine fire warning light remains illuminated: ENGINE FIRE SWITCH ROTATE Rotate to the stop and hold for 1 second. If, after 30 seconds, engine fire warning light remains illuminated: ENGINE FIRE SWITCH ROTATE TO THE OTHER BOTTLE

22 Engine Limit or Surge or Stall QRH 7.6
1 A/T ARM switch OFF 2 Thrust lever Confirm Retard until indications remain within normal limits or the thrust lever is at idle AUTOTHROTTLE ARM SWITCH OFF THRUST LEVER RETARD Retard until indications remain within normal limits or the thrust lever is closed.

23 Takeoff – FWIA SOP (2 Engine)
Pilot Flying – Blue Text Pilot Monitoring – Green Text Takeoff – FWIA SOP (2 Engine) Initial climb speed V2+15 to V2+25 knots Note: For an immediate turn after takeoff, maintain initial climb speed with takeoff flaps while maneuvering. Follow AFDS bank limits Thrust set: Manually advance thrust to 70% N1 Allow engines to stabilize (max 2 sec) Engage autothrottle PF – “N1” Above 400 feet RA Select roll mode PM – “400 feet” PF – “LNAV” or “Heading select” Ensure target N1 is set by 80 knots Monitor airspeed Maintain light forward pressure PM – “80 knots” PF – “Checked” V1 PM – “V1” VR Rotate PM – “Rotate” PM – “Thrust set” PF – “Checked” If takeoff to be made by FO: PF(CA) – “You have control” PM(FO) – “I have control” At this point, the FO becomes PF and the Captain becomes PM Acceleration height Select VNAV Retract flaps on schedule PM – “1000 feet” PF – “VNAV” or “FLCH” PF – “Center Command” Engage the autopilot after a roll mode and VNAV are engaged. Flaps up Do the After Takeoff checklist PF – “After Takeoff checklist” PM – “After Takeoff checklist complete” Positive rate of climb Retract gear PM – “Positive Rate” PF – “Gear up”

24 ILS Approach – FWIA SOP (2 Engine)
Pilot Flying – Blue Text Pilot Monitoring – Green Text ILS Approach – FWIA SOP (2 Engine) Approach Intercept heading Flaps 5 PF – “Flaps 5” Flaps 1 PF – “Flaps 1” On RADAR vectors HDG SEL Pitch mode (as needed) Enroute to fix LNAV or other roll mode VNAV or other pitch mode Intercept Heading ILS tuned and identified LOC and G/S pointers displayed Arm APP mode Glideslope intercept Landing flaps Set missed approach altitude Do the landing checklist PF – “Flaps 30” PF – “Landing checklist” PM – “Landing checklist complete” Localizer capture Final approach course heading 500 feet above TDZE Verify autoland status PM – “500 feet” PF “Checked” Glideslope alive Gear down Flaps 20 Arm speedbrake PM – “Glideslope Alive” PF – “Gear down” PF – “Flaps 20” At 100 feet above DA in IMC PM – “Approaching Minimums” PF – “Checked” 1000 feet above TDZE PM – “1000 feet, cleared (not cleared) to land” PF -- Checked Fix (LOM, MKR, DME) Verify crossing altitude PM – (In IMC) “___ (Name of Fix) Altimeters and Instruments cross checked” At DA in IMC PM – “Minimums” and “Approach Lights”, “Runway Lights” or “Runway” in sight; Otherwise “No Contact” PF – “Continuing”, “Landing” or “Go-Around” 100 feet above TDZE in IMC PM – “100 feet” and “Runway in Sight” or “No Contact” PF – “Landing” or “Go-around”

25 Instrument Approach Using V/S – FWIA SOP (2 Engine)
Pilot Flying – Blue Text Pilot Monitoring – Green Text Instrument Approach Using V/S – FWIA SOP (2 Engine) Approach Intercept heading Flaps 5 PF – “Flaps 5” Flaps 1 PF – “Flaps 1” On RADAR vectors HDG SEL Pitch mode (as needed) Intercept Heading Arm LNAV or appropriate roll mode Enroute to fix LNAV or other roll mode VNAV or other pitch mode Descend to MDA(H) Set V/S Do the Landing checklist PF – “Landing checklist” PM – Landing checklist complete 1000 feet above TDZE PM – “1000 feet, cleared (not cleared) to land” PF – “Checked” FAF PM – (In IMC) “___ (Name of Fix) Altimeters and Instruments cross checked” At 100 feet above MDA(H) Set missed approach altitude in MCP PM – “Approaching Minimums” PF – “Checked” Inbound (Approximately 2 NM) Gear down Flaps 20 Arm speedbrake Set MDA(H) Landing flaps PF – “Gear down” PF – “Flaps 20” PF – “Flaps 30” 500 feet above TDZE PM – “500 feet” PF – “Checked” At MDA(H) Intercept landing profile and disengage autopilot and disconnect autothrottle PM – “Minimums” and “Runway in Sight” or “No Contact” PF – “Landing” or “Go-around”

26 Go-Around and Missed Approach – FWIA SOP (2 Engine)
Pilot Flying – Blue Text Pilot Monitoring – Green Text Go-Around and Missed Approach – FWIA SOP (2 Engine) For a manual go-around: Rotate manually Select or verify go-around thrust Engage autopilot as needed Acceleration height Set speed for planned flap setting Select CLB thrust Retract flaps on schedule PM – “1000 feet” PF – “Set Speed __” PF – “Climb thrust” Initiation Push GA, flaps 20 Verify go-around attitude Verify or adjust thrust as needed Positive rate of climb – gear up PF – “Go-Around” PF – “Flaps 20” PM – “Positive rate” PF – “Gear up” After planned flaps set and at or above flap maneuvering speed Select FLCH or VNAV Verify altitude capture Do the After Takeoff checklist PF – “Flight Level Change” or “VNAV” PF – “Center Command” PF – “After Takeoff checklist” PM – “After Takeoff checklist complete” Above 400 feet RA Select roll mode Verify missed approach altitude set Verify route tracking PM – “400 feet” PF – “LNAV” or “Heading Select”

27 Takeoff – FWIA SOP (1 Engine)
Pilot Flying – Blue Text Pilot Monitoring – Green Text Takeoff – FWIA SOP (1 Engine) Initial climb speed V2 to V2+15 knots Note: For an immediate turn after takeoff, maintain initial climb speed with takeoff flaps while maneuvering. Follow AFDS bank limits Thrust set: Manually advance thrust to 70% N1 Allow engines to stabilize (max 2 sec) Engage autothrottle PF – “N1” Above 400 feet RA Select roll mode PM – “400 feet” PF – “LNAV” or “Heading select” PM – Declare emergency Acceleration height Select V/S 0 to +200 fpm Retract flaps on schedule PM – “1000 feet” PF – “Set Vertical speed + ____” PF – “Set Speed __” Ensure target N1 is set by 80 knots Monitor airspeed Maintain light forward pressure PM – “80 knots” PF – “Checked” V1 PM – “V1” VR Rotate PM – “Rotate” PM – “Thrust set” PF – “Checked” If takeoff to be made by FO: PF(CA) – “You have control” PM(FO) – “I have control” At this point, the FO becomes PF and the Captain becomes PM Flaps up At flaps up speed, select FLCH and select or verify CON thrust Do the NNC (as needed) Do the After Takeoff checklist PF – “Flight Level Change” PF – “Set Maximum Continuous Thrust” PF – “Center Command” PF – “After Takeoff checklist” PM – “After Takeoff checklist complete” Engage the autopilot after a roll mode and FLCH are engaged. Positive rate of climb Retract gear PM – “Positive rate” PF – “Gear up”

28 ILS Approach – FWIA SOP (1 Engine)
Pilot Flying – Blue Text Pilot Monitoring – Green Text ILS Approach – FWIA SOP (1 Engine) Approach Intercept heading Flaps 5 PF – “Flaps 5” Flaps 1 PF – “Flaps 1” On RADAR vectors HDG SEL Pitch mode (as needed) Enroute to fix LNAV or other roll mode VNAV or other pitch mode Intercept Heading ILS tuned and identified LOC and G/S pointers displayed Arm APP mode Glideslope intercept Set missed approach altitude Do the landing checklist PF – “Landing checklist” PM – “Landing checklist complete” Localizer capture Final approach course heading 500 feet above TDZE Verify autoland status PM – “500 feet” PF “Checked” Glideslope alive Gear down Flaps 20 (landing flaps) Arm speedbrake PM – “Glideslope Alive” PF – “Gear down” PF – “Flaps 20” At 100 feet above DA in IMC PM – “Approaching Minimums” PF – “Checked” 1000 feet above TDZE PM – “1000 feet, cleared (not cleared) to land” PF -- Checked Fix (LOM, MKR, DME) Verify crossing altitude PM – (In IMC) “___ (Name of Fix) Altimeters and Instruments cross checked” At DA in IMC PM – “Minimums” and “Approach Lights”, “Runway Lights” or “Runway” in sight; Otherwise “No Contact” PF – “Continuing”, “Landing” or “Go-Around” 100 feet above TDZE in IMC PM – “100 feet” and “Runway in Sight” or “No Contact” PF – “Landing” or “Go-around”

29 Instrument Approach Using V/S – FWIA SOP (1 Engine)
Pilot Flying – Blue Text Pilot Monitoring – Green Text Instrument Approach Using V/S – FWIA SOP (1 Engine) Approach Intercept heading Flaps 5 PF – “Flaps 5” Flaps 1 PF – “Flaps 1” On RADAR vectors HDG SEL Pitch mode (as needed) Enroute to fix LNAV or other roll mode VNAV or other pitch mode Intercept Heading Arm LNAV or appropriate roll mode Descend to MDA(H) Set V/S Do the Landing checklist PF – “Landing checklist” PM – Landing checklist complete 1000 feet above TDZE PM – “1000 feet, cleared (not cleared) to land” PF – “Checked” FAF PM – (In IMC) “___ (Name of Fix) Altimeters and Instruments cross checked” At 100 feet above MDA(H) in IMC Set missed approach altitude in MCP PM – “Approaching Minimums” PF – “Checked” Inbound (Approximately 2 NM) Gear down Flaps 20 (landing flaps) Arm speedbrake Set MDA(H) PF – “Gear down” PF – “Flaps 20” 500 feet above TDZE PM – “500 feet” PF – “Checked” At MDA(H) Intercept landing profile and disengage autopilot and disconnect autothrottle PM – “Minimums” and “Runway in Sight” or “No Contact” PF – “Landing” or “Go-around”

30 Go-Around and Missed Approach – FWIA SOP (1 Engine)
Pilot Flying – Blue Text Pilot Monitoring – Green Text Go-Around and Missed Approach – FWIA SOP (1 Engine) For a manual go-around: Rotate manually Select or verify go-around thrust Engage autopilot as needed Acceleration height Set speed for planned flap setting Retract flaps on schedule PM – “1000 feet” PF – “Set Speed __” Initiation Push GA, flaps 5 Verify go-around attitude Verify or adjust thrust as needed Positive rate of climb – gear up PF – “Go-Around” PF – “Flaps 5” PM – “Positive rate” PF – “Gear up” After planned flaps set and at or above flap maneuvering speed Select FLCH or VNAV Select CON thrust Verify altitude capture Do the After Takeoff checklist PF – “Flight Level Change” PF – “Set Maximum Continuous Thrust” PF – “Center Command” PF – “After Takeoff checklist” PM – “After Takeoff checklist complete” Above 400 feet RA Select roll mode Verify missed approach altitude set Verify route tracking PM – “400 feet” PF – “LNAV” or “Heading Select”

31 General Items On time - allow plenty of time (flat tire, traffic, etc.) to travel to Alteon . You need to be at least on time or preferably, early for the briefing. Required Equipment - be sure to have all required pilot flight equipment as outlined in the GOM 6-1 (treat this as a real flight). Manuals – the QRH is required, an FCOM is suggested. Be sure all manuals in your possession are current. Medical and Certificate - just like on a flight, they must be in your possession and current. Dress and Grooming - should be professional and appropriate to the event. Since the FAA may observe any training or checking, be sure to look the part. Area of Responsibility – All training and checking will begin with a briefing from your instructor. You will be expected to know your flows and “Area of Responsibility” in accordance with FCOM Normal Procedures.

32 Other Non-Normals You need to be familiar with the layout and use of the Non-Normal Checklist Section of the QRH. Although the following Non-Normal Checklists do not contain any Recall Items, familiarization with these checklists will be helpful. Engine Failure or Shutdown NNC.7.10 Unscheduled Stabilizer Trim NNC.9.24

33 Rejected Takeoff Captain First Officer Without delay:
Simultaneously move the thrust levers to idle, disengage the autothrottles, and verify operation of RTO autobrakes or apply maximum manual brakes. If RTO autobrakes is selected, monitor system performance and apply manual wheel brakes if the autobrakes disarm or deceleration is not adequate. Raise SPEEDBRAKE lever. Apply maximum reverse thrust consistent with conditions. Continue maximum braking until certain the airplane will stop on the runway. Verify actions as follows: Thrust levers at idle. Autothrottle disengaged. Maximum braking applied. Verify speedbrake lever UP and call “SPEEDBRAKES UP.” If speedbrake lever not UP call “SPEEDBRAKES NOT UP.” Reverse thrust applied. Call out any omitted action items. Field length permitting: Initiate movement of the reverse thrust levers to reach the reverse idle detent by taxi speed. Call “60 knots” Communicate the reject decision to the control tower as soon as practical. Review Brake Cooling Schedule for brake cooling time and precautions (refer to QRH PI & FCTM 3.19). Consider the following: ·  The possibility of wheel fuse plugs melting ·  The need to clear the runway ·  The requirement for remote parking ·  Wind direction in case of fire ·  Alerting fire equipment ·  Advising the ground crew of the hot brake hazard Completion of Non–Normal checklist (if appropriate) for conditions which caused the RTO

34 Steep Turns During steep turns the Pilot Monitoring (PM) is no longer allowed to call out that you are approaching the 180 degree point. Consider using the following procedure: Engage the autopilot and autothrottles Select “Heading Hold” prior to starting the turn. Set your heading bug prior to starting the turn to the desired heading. Disconnect the autopilot and auto throttles then start the turn. Reference FCTM 7.18 & 7.19

35 Stalls The Instructor will provide the speeds and power settings.
The key to an easy recovery from the stall sequence is the IVSI. Keep it in your scan and as close to 0 as possible. Review pages 7.9 thru 7.17 in the FCTM.

36 CABIN ALTITUDE or Rapid Depressurization
Accomplish Recall Items After going on oxygen and establishing communications (you will not be able to talk to ATC if you have not selected oxygen on your mic selector switch), you must descend to a lower altitude. Prior to starting your emergency descent try to contact ATC and obtain a clearance to descent to the 10,000 feet or the MEA, whichever is higher. However, if you are unable to contact ATC or the risk for the depressurization is greater than the risk related to a descent without clearance, descend immediately. Be familiar with the Loss of Pressurization guidance (GOM section 7.6) and the Enroute Contingency guidance (GOM section 8.5). Set the Proper Descent Altitude (MEA or 10,000’ whichever is higher). Select Flight Level Change, move the Thrust Levers to Idle, and extend the Speedbrakes. This is the time to determine if the aircraft has structural damage. If there is possible structural damage, maintain current speed. If no damage to the aircraft, set max speed for descent and call for the checklist. At 10,000’ oxygen masks are no longer required. (FAR )(b).

37 Non-ILS Approaches These approaches are what we have historically called VOR, ADF, BC, and LOC approaches. The FCTM (page 5.48) details a new procedure when runway in sight and leaving MDA. Per the FWIA FCOM page NP.21.46, use of this procedure is at the pilot’s discretion. Autopilot Disengage (optional at MDA, must be disconnected by 50 ft below MDA) Autothrottle Disconnect (use thrust lever switch, not MCP switch) PM - turn both F/D switches OFF, then place the PM’s F/D ON. In the event of a missed approach when GA is engaged, the PF’s command bars will reappear and the autothrottles will reengage. At altitude capture if you have not turned on the PF’s flight director switch their command bars will disappear. For all Non-ILS approaches the PF must brief the PM on the AFDS procedures he intends to use No limitation to monitor raw data during a VOR approach Recommend monitor because simulator does not have GPS Navigation. Monitoring raw data will assist you in confirming your approach is on track. Missed Approach Point Note the distance to the MAP on the chart. Do not continue approach past this point. Consider manually or remotely tuning both VOR’s For all Non-ILS approaches, carefully review lighting to ensure landing on the proper runway.

38 Airspeed Unreliable Difficult situation to realize
Excessive pitch command on F/D is usually the first clue Review QRH page 10.4 for other indicators Remember the Recall Items on the Non-Normal Checklist Remove unwanted pitch commands Use standby instruments Other tools Groundspeed display on the HSI If you can depressurize the aircraft you have altitude and vertical speed information on the cabin pressurization panel. Below 2,500 feet AGL, the radio altimeters will work. All lateral navigation and glideslope information should be unaffected.

39 Engine Fire or Failure at V1 or Just After Liftoff
Ensure the aircraft is under control and on autopilot before starting applicable Non-normal checklist Identify and Delegate Recall Items (if applicable) - PM Complete the Non-normal checklist - PM Complete the after takeoff checklist – PM Evaluate the Situation – Check weather and landing weight Set the FMS for the approach - PM Tune and identify the radios - PM Set the airspeed bugs – PM Transfer and Brief – Formally transfer aircraft to PM Normal approach briefing Single engine items – (Flaps 20, trim intentions, missed approach) Transfer control back and call for the Approach Checklist

40 Summary The purpose of this training aid is to provide Florida West Flight Crewmembers with a tool to study and review aircraft limitations, recall items and Company Standard Operating Procedures If you find any inconsistencies or have any suggestions on how to improve this aid, please contact the Director of Training, the Chief Pilot or the Director of Flight Operations.

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