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Http:// Mr. Green The Congress of Vienna Mr. Green.

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1 Mr. Green
The Congress of Vienna Mr. Green

2 Setting The Stage European heads of government met to create one collective security and stability for the entire continent The Congress of Vienna was set up for these reasons in a series of meetings over 8 months

3 Metternich’s Plan for Europe
Most of the decision’s were made by the five ‘Great Powers’- Russia, Prussia, Austria, Great Britain, and France Since Metternich did not trust the democratic ideals of the Revolution, Metternich creates 3 goals

4 Goal #1: Containment of France
Solution: Kingdom of Netherlands formed German Confederation formed Switzerland created as independent nation

5 Goal #2: Balance of Power
Solution: Did not want to completely weaken France because there could be a revolt, so countries agreed to try and not overpower one another

6 Goal #3: Legitimacy Solution: Royal families should stay in power throughout France Other ruling families throughout Europe would also regain their thrones

7 Aid The European nations agreed to provide aid to one another to help keep peace Peace lasted for nearly 40 years

8 Conservative Europe Holy Alliance- Austria and Prussia agreed to base their relations with other nations on Christian principles in order to combat the forces of possible revolutions Concert of Europe- If a revolution occurred in one nation, all other nations would step in to stop it

9 Long-Term Legacy Politics would be influenced for the next 100 years Nationalism became important throughout societies and Democracy would resonate in the minds of all as the best possible answer in future

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