Student Assignment Review Advisory Committee

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Presentation on theme: "Student Assignment Review Advisory Committee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Assignment Review Advisory Committee
April 10, 2018

2 Agenda Feedback from last meeting
Guiding Principles—comparison with other districts Community input process

3 Role of the Advisory Committee
Core Team Board of Education Advisory Committee Community


5 Guiding Principles Diversity Quality Choice Predictability
In 2007 , the Board approved a set of Guiding Principles to direct the development of a Student Assignment Plan which meet the guidelines provided by the Supreme Court. The Guiding Principles are: Diversity Quality Choice Predictability Stability Equity These principles have been a cornerstone of every version of the student assignment plan approved by board since 2007

6 How do other districts frame this work?

7 Metro Nashville Davidson County Schools
Goal Strategies Diversity has 4 components Race and ethnicity—reduce racial isolation Income—reduce concentrations of poverty Home language—More schools/programs to serve ELL students Disabilities—More schools/programs serve students classified with a disability Intentional location of choice programs and increasing number magnet options in targeted area to help reduce racial isolation Diversity staffing plan Transportation for students with disabilities Feeder patterns created to promote diversity

8 Baltimore County Goal Strategy Racial Diversity – try to balance schools by race/ethnic components Income – try to balance schools by income Encourage diversity by analyzing student information (like race, ethnicity, and income level) to draw boundaries that are more heterogeneous

9 Charlotte-Mecklenburg
Goal Guiding Principle Equitable access to high-quality schools Equitable access to high quality schools Maximize efficiency in facilities, transportation and other resources Intentionally expand and replicate successful programs to increase access Reduce concentrations of poverty Create & maintain a plan that is sustainable over time Provide school assignment options to students assignment to schools not meeting state performance standards Preserve and expand successful schools and programs

10 New York City Public Schools
Goal Definition Increase number of racially representative schools If black and Hispanic students make up at least 50% but not more than 90% of the student population Decrease number of economically stratified schools Schools that are more than 10% above or below the district average on the economic need index Increase number of schools that serve students with disabilities or English Language Learners A significant, representative number of students who speak a language other than English at home are welcomed and served effectively A significant, representative number of students with disabilities are welcomed and served effectively

11 Dallas Independent Schools
Goal Strategy Equity Expand public school choices options for all students, regardless of their academic abilities or geographic constraints Diversity Offer more attractive instructional options Open to all students Lead to more racially, geographically, and economically diverse schools

12 Compare our Guiding Principles to other districts
Value/Goal JCPS Charlotte- Mecklenburg Dallas NYC Nashville Diversity Choice Stability Quality Predictability Equity Efficiency Transparency Ease of understanding

13 Table Discussion Evaluate our guiding principles
Are these the right guiding principles? Do these make sense? What’s missing? Which are the most important?

14 Community Input

15 Role of the Advisory Committee
Core Team Board of Education Advisory Committee Community

16 STAFF WILL: Survey Process
Develop and advertise Request for Proposal (RFP) Review applicants & select vendor Board approval for contract Goal—survey distributed in late summer/early fall

17 Input from the larger community
Who are the voices that we need to hear from? How do we reach them?

18 Next Meeting Ideas for revising JCPS guiding principles
Next meeting—May 1, 2018

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