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Presentation on theme: "IMPORTANT ELEMENTS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Nitrogen The primary use of nitrogen in living organisms is the production of protein. Nitrogen takes many forms in nature: Nitrogen gas: N2 Ammonium NH4 Nitrates: NO3 Nitrites: NO2 Urea: (NH2)2CO

3 Carbon ALL living things on Earth contain carbon!
It is an element. It is in the air, in the ocean, in the Earth’s crust. If carbon is mixed with other elements you get; limestone, chalk, marble, coal, gas, alcohol, sugars, fats, and even medicines. The black stuff in your pencil, graphite, is carbon. Diamonds are 100% pure carbon. Your body even contains carbon, the same stuff from which diamonds are made! Carbon is inside of us, outside of us, we get carbon from eating plants or other animals. Right now you are breathing out carbon (in the form of a gas: carbon dioxide). Which plants take in in order to complete photosynthesis! Carbon is everywhere.

4 Carbon Cycle

5 Hydrogen Exists as gas at room temperature. FUN FACT: When hydrogen gas burns in air, it forms water. Hydrogen is the simplest and lightest element on the periodic table of elements. Hydrogen is odorless, colorless, and tasteless; therefore, it is undetectable by human senses

6 Phosphorous is essential is the formation of the cell membrane
Heads are made of phosphorous Phosphorous has it’s own cycle just like the carbon or nitrogen cycles Phosphates are also the active components in ATP molecules and are part of the “backbone” of DNA

7 Sulfur Sulfur is found in some amino acids SULFUR
Sulfur is important for chemosynthetic bacteria found by deep sea vents.

8 Oxygen The main role of oxygen is in aerobic respiration
Oxygen is also used in oxidation reactions.

9 Iron Iron is an important micronutrient in living things.
In animals iron is the oxygen bonding part of hemoglobin Iron binds well to oxygen. It also facilitates the transport of electrons in cells, including bacteria. In plants is involved in photosynthesis Iron is important is plant productivity Iron seeding can have dramatic effects. The light color is a phytoplankton bloom.

10 Calcium Calcium is an essential mineral in many species.
It is used in the structure of teeth and bones in animals, as well as in blood clotting Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is used in the production of exoskeletons in animals and unicellular organisms. Calcium ions (Ca+) are essential for nerves to work

11 Sodium Potassium Sodium Potassium Pump: (active transport)
Sodium (Na) is essential for your nervous system. NaCl or salt is the main source of this nutrient. Potassium Potassium is also essential for your nervous system. It is also has a very strong influence on osmosis and human clotting factors. Potassium ions are larger than Sodium Sodium Potassium Pump: (active transport) It is responsible for resetting the nerve impulse and maintain the volume of cells through its influence on osmosis.


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