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Special Senses: The Ear

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Presentation on theme: "Special Senses: The Ear"— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Senses: The Ear

2 Functions of the Ear Hearing Equilibrium (Balance)

3 External Ear Anatomy Involved in hearing only Pinna – traps sound
Ear canal Lined with skin Ceruminous glands Tympanic Membrane

4 Middle Ear Anatomy Tympanic cavity Eustachian tube Ossicles
Malleus (hammer) Incus (anvil) Stapes (stirrup)

5 Inner Ear Anatomy Organs for hearing and balance Filled with perilymph
Cochlea Vestibule Semicircular canals

6 Inside the Cochlea Oval window Organ of Corti Round window Endolymph
Hair cells Membranes Cochlear nerve Round window

7 Hearing Pinna collects sound
Sound waves vibrate tympanic membrane (eardrum) Eardrum movement is transferred to ossicles Ossicles vibrate oval window of cochlea

8 Hearing Stapes vibrates the oval window.
Movement of oval window moves fluid in cochlea. Fluid movement vibrates membranes in Organ of Corti Membrane movement bends hairs Bent hairs cause action potential

9 Hearing Action potential travel through auditory nerve to brain!
You hear something!

10 Hearing

11 Hearing

12 Hearing Damage Tinnitus Deafness

13 Cochlear Implants

14 Balance In the vestibule: Senses head movement Endolymph Hair cells
Otoliths Senses head movement

15 Balance and Motion In semicircular canals: Senses acceleration
Endolymph Hair cells Cupula Senses acceleration

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