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CNS Review.

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1 CNS Review

2 Cranial Nerves 1-olfactory (smell) 2-optic (vision) 3-oculomotor (eye movt) 4-trochlear (eye movt) 5-trigeminal (chewing/jaw movt) 6-abducens (eye movt) 7-facial (facial expressions) 8-vestibulocochlear (balance/hearing) 9-glossopharyngeal (swallowing) 10-vagus (digestion/heart rate) 11-accessory (shrug shoulders) 12-hypoglossal (tongue movt)

3 Cerebrum Functions -reasoning -memory

4 Cerebellum Functions -balance

5 Thalamus Functions Interpret senses

6 Hypothalamus Functions
-water balance -appetite centers

7 Midbrain Functions -coordinate head/eye movt to sound

8 Pons Functions -Origin of cranial nerves

9 Medulla Functions -Heart Rate -sleep-wake cycle -breathing

10 Statements to Know… Cerebrospinal fluid acts as a shock absorber for the brain and spinal cord There are 31 segments in the spinal cord There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves Ascending tracts of nerves carry sensory information to the brain Descending tracts carry motor impulses from brain to muscle

11 Statements to Know… The foramen magnum is the origin of the spinal cord There are 100 billion multipolar neurons in the brain The two-way communication system of the nervous system is called “nerve tracts” The membranes that surround the spinal cord and brain are called meninges

12 Statements to Know… The cervical enlargement supplies nerves to the upper body The lumbar enlargement supplies nerves to the lower body Exercise, stress, and good nutrition can help build a better brain Brains must have fat to survive Nerve cells are called neurons

13 Statements to Know… From the outside in the meninges go…dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater The two cerebral hemispheres are connected by a bridge of nerves called the corpus collosum The two cerebral hemispheres are separated by the longitudinal fissure Partial paralysis and lack of muscle coordination is typical of the disorder cerebral palsy

14 Statements to Know… Alcohol can kill the brain
The cerebrum has 5 lobes Myelinated nerves appear white A deep groove is called a fissure A shallow groove is called a sulcus The CNS and PNS are the two parts of the nervous system The brain has no pain receptors

15 Statements to Know… Caffeine can affect the brain
Stress ages the brain The brain can sill learn things, even in older years

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