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Keys to getting FASTER To improve one’s speed an athlete must obtain proper technique and form, while balancing workouts with proper rest. Warm-up Frontside.

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Presentation on theme: "Keys to getting FASTER To improve one’s speed an athlete must obtain proper technique and form, while balancing workouts with proper rest. Warm-up Frontside."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keys to getting FASTER To improve one’s speed an athlete must obtain proper technique and form, while balancing workouts with proper rest. Warm-up Frontside mechanics Backside mechanics Improve stride length Improve stride frequency Understanding phases of racing/sprinting Developing speed and conditioning the body and the mind to hold that speed Workouts and cycles Energy systems Drills

2 Warm-up Purpose To prepare for work Concentration Physical
Mentally Focus Concentration Physical Increase core body temp Increase muscle temp Lubricate muscle sheath In essence the goal is to achieve an optimum temperature level at the core of the muscle tissue not at the superficial level, combining this with mobility for tendon stretch

3 Warm-up Drills Jog 800m non stop
Toe and Heel walks 20m each (alt toe and heel straight, in out) Pull To chest A’s pull heel through butt Side steps 2x20m Rest shake legs (1-2 min) Skipping flat 2x20m Skipping toes (straight, out, in 1x20m each one) Picking up gold 2x20m 2x50m over stride Ankle Hops 2x20m Dorsiflexion 10 rest 10sec 10 Quick bounces 12 rest 3 sec 12 Hamstring Swings 15 each leg Ethiopian Skips 30m 2x50 build up to 80% (1-2 rest between keep moving) Running A’s 3x20m Shake legs, bounces, Quick Starts (70%, 80%, 90%) 10-15m When waiting for vent bounce, shake, move legs every 3-5 min

4 Dynamic vs. Static Stretching
Dynamic allows the muscles to be ready to fire. When competing an athlete wants the muscles springy. Static makes muscles long and slow. This is good when the body is done working. It may also be done before dynamic, as long as the body has had some type of core temp raising.

5 Frontside Mechanics Improve front side mechanics (dominate)
Power from hip flexors and hamstrings The ability to use hip flexors and hamstrings on the downward pull allows force to be applied to the ground. Grad the ground and pull Push down to the ground

6 Frontside mechanics Force is being applied downward Using hips and hamstring allow the leg to be pulled

7 Backside Mechanics Backside mechanics
Power from the extensors of hip and knee Knee drives forward and upward—applies force down and back

8 Backside Mechanics Pull knee through (A’s)
Knee drives forward and upward—applies force down and back (frontside)

9 Leg Position Heels pulls through butt then through knee making a figure 4

10 Foot Position The foot needs to be dorsiflexed (toes up). This allows the foot to generate power from contact. Ready to Spring

11 Stride Length & Frequency
If stride length and frequency is improved; speed will improve. To obtain this one must use proper form and technique.

12 Blocks Use of starting blocks Force application on blocks Body position Leg Angle Weight on feet Arm Drive Arms begin to split with movement Project body out and up Block Setting Distance from line Block pad separation distance

13 Blocks Cont. Mark Position Hands straight below shoulders
Arms straight, shoulders tall Proper head position Set Position Raise hips up slow Front leg at degrees Back leg degrees Load Blocks Shoulders directly over hands This will allow for faster hand movement G0/”Bang” A fast backward drive of arm opposite the front leg is very important. Backward drive of elbow initiates the front leg backward thrust against the block and if backward arm drive is fast and full, it will ensure powerful movement and a full leg extension against the block.

14 Arm action Push off Blocks Knee drive

15 Forward and up Drive Use of Blocks

16 Arm Drive Power Technique

17 Phases of Sprinting 100m Start/Reaction Use of starting blocks
Body Position Reaction (Set, Go/”Bang”) Acceleration/Drive/Power (65% of race) Goal to achieve top speed Use of arms, hips, knees, hamstrings, 30-65m First 30m as the highest % of speed increase Maximum velocity Ones top speed 65-?m Maintenance Once top speed is achieved an athlete must stay focused and try not to force speed Deceleration All athletes will slow from ?-100m Athletes must continue to focus and run through finish line

18 Phases of Running 200m Start Like 100m for first 50m Second 50
Run down into the track Prepare to runoff the turn from the relay zone Third 50 Maintain the same velocity as best as you can Attack this portion aggressively Fourth 50 Maintain form and proper tech (do not force) Knee lift and arm drive Run through finish line

19 Phases of running 400m The 400m is broken into five parts 1. Start
Use of blocks Not as must action as 100m start 2. First 100m 92% of best 100m 3. Second 100m 95-97% of best 100m 4. Third 100m 90% of best 100m 5. Finish 80-82% of best 100m

20 Extra Sprinters need to open arms on the back swing to allow for complete stride extension: arm action controls the rhythm and range of motion on the leg stride (short arm action leads to reduced leg extension. Rest is a key component to running fast. Just because you can do more does not mean you should do more.

21 Hurdles HH Start 7 steps , lead leg in front of blocks
8 steps, lead leg in back of blocks Up by 5th step , find and attack hurdle Hurdling Highest point prior to hurdle Downward angle through hurdle Slight bend in lead leg knee (lift knee not at hip) Pull lead leg down past hurdle (hamstring) Trail leg heel tight to butt Drive knee into hurdle Pull trail through to front Run away from hurdle Must develop a rhythm

22 Heel tight to butt

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