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Presentation on theme: "Introductory Workshop THE CDIO APPROACH TO ENGINEERING EDUCATION"— Presentation transcript:

This workshop is based on Crawley, E. F., Malmqvist, J., Östlund, S., & Brodeur, D. R. (2007). “Rethinking Engineering Education: The CDIO Approach.” New York: Springer. In the workshop notes, it will be referred to as “Rethinking Engineering Education”.It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that workshop facilitators have at least one copy of this book -- and have read relevant parts. The “Handbook: Materials To Supplement Slides”, referred to as “Handbook” in the slide notes, accompanies these slides. It should be reproduced for each workshop participant, along with the slides. Slides and handouts may be reproduced on double-sided pages, and spiral bound or inserted into 1.5 inch binders. Other required materials: 3x5 ruled index cards in four colors - ideally enough so that each participant has one of each color 3” square or larger Post-It notes -- 1 pad per 5 participants Easel with easel pad - at least one; two would be great Masking tape Felt-tip markers - wide enough for writing on easel pads - four colors 1 package of 3/4” adhesive circles in four colors (optional) A deck of playing cards (optional) Laser pointer (optional)

2 WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES Explain the CDIO approach to engineering education
Determine ways in which the CDIO approach may be adapted to your own programs These are the overall objectives for the entire workshop. They will be re-visited at the end of the day. Emphasize the idea of “adapted”. The CDIO approach and materials can be customized for different engineering disciplines, institutional structures, and countries. CDIO is a way of changing, and a way of learning together. Share your ideas and experiences of engineering education reform

MORNING AFTERNOON INTRODUCTION THE CDIO SYLLABUS WHY CDIO AS THE CONTEXT WHAT INTEGRATED CURRICULUM PRO-GRAM EVALU-ATION LEARNING DESIGN-IMPLEMENT EXPERIENCES HOW WORKSPACES ASSESSMENT INTRO TO ENGINEERING The rectangles in the diagram represent the twelve CDIO Standards. In this workshop, CDIO Standards 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 11 are highlighted. This diagram appears at the beginning of each of the five sessions. The complete descriptions of the CDIO Standards are found: In the Handbook, pp. 3-15 As an appendix in “Rethinking Engineering Education” At HOW WELL FACULTY COMPETENCE IMPLEMENTATION

4 SCHEDULE FRIDAY 09:45 - 10:30 1. CDIO Essentials I – Ready to Engineer
10: :30 2. CDIO Essentials II – Teaching & Learning 11: :00 BREAK 12: :00 Regional Meeting 13: :00 Networking Lunch 14: :50 3. CDIO for Program and Faculty Development 14: :00 4. CDIO and Continuous Improvement 16: :30 Workgroup Reports and Tasking 17: :00 Concluding Remarks The schedule is set in collaboration with the workshop hosts. Briefly introduce yourself and other workshop facilitators who are present.

5 Reason(s) you are participating in this workshop
INTRODUCTIONS Name University Department or Program Principal role in the program, e.g, department head, faculty, instructional support staff Reason(s) you are participating in this workshop Use four different colored cards and distribute them randomly. Let participants keep their cards. The color can be used to group participants for some of the activities. These cards can also facilitate introductions during the group activities. Alternately, collect these cards and use them throughout the day to call on participants or put them into groups. Be sure to pass the cards along to the other workshop facilitators. Be sure to introduce yourself, and give participants your address. Take about 5 minutes to share reasons for participating in the workshop. Do this as a whole group or in groups of three -- without having people get up from their seats. OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: The Parking Lot Introduce the “Parking Lot”. It is a sheet of newsprint or a section of a display board where you can “park” questions that you want to defer answering to a later time. Participants write their questions, one to a Post-It, and post them. When their questions are answered during the day, they remove the questions from the Parking Lot. At the end of the day, re-visit the Parking Lot. Either answer the questions then, or suggest that if participants want answers to their questions, they write their addresses on the Post-It notes and leave them with you. (Workshop facilitators can decide who the best person is to answer specific questions, as a follow up.)


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