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Your Assessment Plan or WHERE’S YOUR FLOW OF EVIDENCE?

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Presentation on theme: "Your Assessment Plan or WHERE’S YOUR FLOW OF EVIDENCE?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Assessment Plan or WHERE’S YOUR FLOW OF EVIDENCE?
( Lori Sours, Ph.D. Outcomes and Assessment Strategist, Rogue Community College

2 Assessment is NOT just about Program Review

3 Are your students meeting EACH of your COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES
Are your students meeting EACH of your COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES? What is your evidence?


5 Every course outline identifies which Organization- Wide Learning Outcomes (aka ILOs) are aligned with it. Achievement of Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) is assessed every term in every class. Every Program Learning Outcome has at least one assessment point in a course.

PLOs (OR GELOs) PLO1 (OR GELO1) PLO2 (OR GELO2) ILOs AK (Application of Knowledge) AL (Approach to Learning) COM (Communication) CT (Critical Thinking) PG (Personal Growth) COURSE 102 CLO Assess ILO CLO1 CLO2 CLO3 CLO4

7 “The key to avoiding the last-minute rush to prove we are accountable is creating a steady, continuous flow of evidence.”  -R. Stiehl

8 How would you answer the question: Which of your course learning outcomes show low student achievement?

9 course learning outcome achievement...
Final course grade course learning outcome achievement... ….for the purposes of where to focus for course improvement.

10 Think beyond final course grade
Think beyond final course grade. Which assignments (=grades in your grade book) align with each of the course learning outcomes?

11 MAPPING a program helps identify the course(s).
What assignments in your grade book correlate with each CLO?

Steps to a Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan: Example from RCC DIESEL TECHNOLOGY AAS

13 Work within OSHA, RCC and current industry safety guidelines and standards to promote a safe working environment. Read wiring diagrams and schematics, measure voltage, amperage and resistance with common industry equipment, evaluate and troubleshoot wiring, charging and starting problems. Evaluate, troubleshoot and repair diesel engines, heavy-duty brakes, suspension and steering, power train assemblies, air conditioning and basic hydraulics. Evaluate and troubleshoot computerized systems on the chassis, engine, brakes and suspension, evaluate fault codes and make repairs as needed. Work in a cohesive group on a collective project from beginning to end, producing high quality work while adhering to safety and lab procedures. PLO#1 best assessed here.

14 Course: Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs): PLO: ILO: DS275 Hydraulic Systems CLO#1 Review and apply safety policies of RCC and OSHA. Assessment methods: instructor observation, written exam. 1.Work within OSHA, RCC and current industry safety guidelines and standards to promote a safe working environment. Application of Knowledge: (AK5: Demonstrate the ability to adhere to personal and industry safety standards.) The assessment of this CLO provides a data point for the assessment of both the PLO and the ILO.

15 Building Assessment Plans:
Align PLOs with CLOs (course-level). Align ILOs with CLOs (course-level). Collect assessment data at the course level, make adjustments in curriculum based on the evidence. Look at PLO assessment data annually; 3-year cycle catches all PLOs. Adjust the course and/or program curriculum based on that evidence. Repeat at least annually for CLOs, at least every 3 years for PLOs.


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