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Learning, Memory, Language

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Presentation on theme: "Learning, Memory, Language"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning, Memory, Language

2 What is a memory? An organism's ability to store, retain, and recall information and experiences

3 Memory Types Declarative Memory Working memory -Prefrontal Cortex
Semantic memory Episodic memory

4 Storing Memory How do we go from “learning” to memory “storage”? H.M.:

5 Storing Memory Hippocampus and parahippocampal region play roles in converting short-term to long-term Medial temporal region: forms/organizes/retrieves memories Cortical regions: store long-term memories A song to help you understand-


7 Retaining Memory “Changes in synapses”… ?
Synaptic Plasticity- learning by adding or removing connections, or adding cells LTP: Long-Term Potentiation CHANGES in the synapse

8 Mechanism of LTP Ca2+ enter synapse Activation of cAMP
cAMP activates CREB (cAMP-response element binding protein) CREB activates the production of neurotrophins: proteins that increase neuron sensitivity (decrease its threshold) I will Diagram on Board

9 Language Left hemisphere = language master Left frontal lobe:
Broca’s aphasia: trouble producing speech Wernicke’s aphasia: trouble understanding speech Word deafness: all possible speech problems combined into one disease


11 Language and Brain Areas
Speech recognition: L/R temporal lobes (anterior) Speech production: L frontal lobe + L temporal lobe Word meanings: stored in the L temporal lobe Sensory/motor circuit for verbal short term memory: L posterior temporal lobe

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