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The Age of Liberalism.

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1 The Age of Liberalism

2 The Election of 1960 TV Debate Impacts Voters JFK
wealthy, handsome, charismatic Only 43 Roman Catholic Kennedy looked and spoke better than Nixon, but weak against Communism Nixon more experienced 8 years as Vice President Former Governor Huge Anti-Communist

On September 26, 1960, Kennedy and Nixon took part in the first televised debate between presidential candidates Kennedy looked and spoke better than Nixon Journalist Russell Baker said, “That night, image replaced the printed word as the national language of politics”


5 1960 Presidential Election

6 Crises over Cuba The Cuban dilemma Fidel Castro comes to power in 1959
Puts on mass public trials and executions U.S. denounces Cuba and accepts thousands of Cuban refugees Castro seizes U.S. businesses and Eisenhower cuts off imports of Cuban sugar 1960 – Cuba signs a trade treaty with the Soviet Union

7 The Bay of Pigs In March 1960 Ike orders CIA to train Cuban exiles for an invasion of their homeland JFK notified of plan 9 days into his presidency JFK continues with the plan The plan: day before the invasion, planes would attempt to wipe out Castro’s air force, then exiles would land at the beach, and the Cuban people would rise up against Castro and overthrow him

8 Quote from U.S. Commentator
Bay of Pigs (Cont.) Plan failed: JFK failed to provide the necessary resources to help the exiles and they were rounded up by Castro’s men It turned out to be a disaster when in April, 1961, 1,200 Cuban exiles met 25,000 Cuban troops backed by Soviet tanks and were soundly defeated “We looked like fools to our friends, rascals to our enemies and incompetents to the rest” Quote from U.S. Commentator

9 The Cuban Missile Crisis
In an attempt to counter any new American intervention and to improve the Soviet position in the nuclear arms race, Castro and Kruschchev devised a daring plan: installation of Soviet missiles and nuclear bombers in Cuba

10 Cuban Missile Crisis Oct. 14, 1962 – U-2 flights showed 65 sites for offensive medium-range ballistic missiles – could reach the U.S. in 3 minutes When surveillance photos revealed nukes ready to launch in Cuba, JFK said the U.S. would respond to any attack from Cuba with an all-out nuclear retaliation against the Soviets JFK ordered a naval quarantine of the island (used the word “quarantine” rather than “blockade” since blockade was an act of war) Oct. 22 – went on national television informing the Soviets of American policy and demanded their retreat American forces around the globe went on alert The world was on the brink of nuclear war

11 Nuclear Chicken JFK pushes for naval blockade Goal: The Problem:
Seize any ships going into/out of Cuba Force the immediate removal of missiles The Problem: A direct attack on Soviets would be an act of war The existence of the missiles were an act of war

12 The Fallout “We’re eyeball to eyeball, and I think the other fellow just blinked.” –Dean Rusk, Secretary of State Russia blinks! Russia removes missiles from Cuba U.S. removes missiles from Turkey Quarantine ends, but embargo begins The Problems: Khrushchev forced from office Kremlin begins nuclear expansion U.S. and Russia agree to test ban treaty Establish direct communication link: the red phone

13 Trying to Ease Tensions
Both Khrushchev and Kennedy began searching for ways to ease the enormous tension between the two superpowers Two Agreements 1. Direct hotline between the White House and the Kremlin 2. Signing of the Limited Test Ban Treaty – called for an end to all nuclear tests in the ocean, the atmosphere and outer space – by the end of the year, 113 other nations had signed the treaty

14 New Frontier Goals Provide medical care for elderly
Rebuild urban areas Education (focusing on Math & Science) Bolster national defense Increase international aid Expand space program

15 JFK’s Problems Small Democratic majority in Congress
Barely won the presidency Congress didn’t support policies Christian Southern Conservative Democrats didn’t like him Republicans weren’t supportive either Battled high inflation Contending in conflicts in Cuba, Berlin, and Vietnam Most legislation would NOT pass

16 November 1963- JFK Assassinated
Lee Harvey Oswald Warren Commission

17 The Legacy of the assassination
Devastated the country and shocked the world Seemed to end the dream of innocence of the 1950s Coincided with a broader wave of social change: the Civil Rights Movement, the Feminist Movement, escalation in Vietnam, and the Free-Speech and Anti-War Movements LBJ becomes president and will take a stronger position on Vietnam and Civil Rights

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