Supranational Organizations

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Presentation on theme: "Supranational Organizations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supranational Organizations

2 Supranationalism definition
The concept of two or more sovereign states aligned together for a common purpose. That purpose could be trade, defense, or diplomacy.

3 United Nations This is the largest supranational organization (193 member states). Its Purpose is primarily diplomatic (peace keeping) but it also provides a number of services: -WHO (World Health Organization) -FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization) -UNDP (Development Program) -UNICEF (International Children’s Education Fund)

4 European Union The EU is the world’s largest economy (18.5 trillion annual GDP compared to 17 trillion for the U.S.)

5 European Union (Cont.) *In 2013 it grew to 28 members. It creates a European economic block to compete with bigger world powers. It acts like a federal government for Europe. It serves five main purposes: Free-trade union Open border policy (workers can now take jobs in other EU states without applying for work permits

6 European Union (Cont.) 3. Monetary union (common currency eliminates the need for money exchange fees) 4. Judicial union- The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg provides a chance to settle trade related lawsuits. In addition, there is a European Court of Human Rights to protect civil rights. 5. Legislative and regulatory bodies: 785 members

7 NATO & NAFTA Both are considered Supranationals. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is a defense alliance of 29 countries (Made up of European countries plus the U.S. and Canada. It was created to combat Soviet expansion. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) reduced tariffs/promotes free trade between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

8 NATO countries

9 *There are roughly 60 significant supranational organizations today.
Why are some people resistant to these kinds of organizations?

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