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Hungarian Jews undergo a selection on the ramp at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

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1 Hungarian Jews undergo a selection on the ramp at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Poland, May 1944.

2 Adolf Hitler greets Neville Chamberlain upon the British Prime Minister's arrival in Munich. Chamberlain pursued appeasement of Nazi Germany in the late 1930s. The Munich Agreement of September 30 rendered the Republic of Czechoslovakia defenseless when Chamberlain and the French Premier Edouard Deladier yielded to nearly all of Hitler's demands. Caption: Kim

3 Matthew - Often the concentration camps and killing centers are the focus of how victims were murdered. It is important to establish the role of the Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing units). Additionally, these units were comprised of police units from various countries other than Germany. Jewish partisans in Naliboki forest, near Novogrudok. Poland, 1942 or — US Holocaust Memorial Museum

4 Jeff: In many instances, the term “concentration camp” becomes a catch all for the entirety of the camp system in the Nazi regime and the impression is that the majority of the camps had gas chambers and crematoria. By focusing on precision of language, we can help students (and others) understand that while there were many concentration camps, there were six extermination camps that focused on the annihilation of the Jewish population. View of the main entrance to the Auschwitz camp: "Arbeit Macht Frei" (Work makes one free). Auschwitz, Poland, date uncertain. — Instytut Pamieci Narodowej

5 Karel - One of the groups that were perpetrators were teenagers in Hitler Youth that were influenced by the Nazi Regime. This photograph is part of the special exhibition entitled “Some Were Neighbors.” This photograph was chosen to demonstrate the variety of participants during the events of the Holocaust. It wasn’t just the Nazis and Jews. This included people from many walks of life - teachers, police, neighbors, businessmen, professors and many more. Hitler Youth and bystanders look on as Jews are forced to scrub the pavement as a result of Anti- Semitism. Courtesy of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

6 Kira Syrian image: Jewish image: German Jewish refugees disembark in the port of Shanghai, one of the few places without visa requirements. Shanghai, China, 1940.

7 Andrew Group portrait of members of the Kalinin Jewish partisan unit (Bielski group) on guard duty at an airstrip in the Naliboki Forest — US Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Moshe Kaganovich —Operating in Western Belorussia (Belarus) between 1942 and 1944, the Bielski partisan group was one of the most significant Jewish resistance efforts against Nazi Germany during World War II. —While its members did fight against the Germans and their collaborators, the Bielski group leaders emphasized providing a safe haven for Jews, particularly women, children, and elderly persons who managed to flee into the forests. Jewish refugees being rescued aboard a Danish fishing boat bound for Sweden. October — Museet for Danmarks Frihedskamp

8 Cathleen Paul von Hindenburg shaking the hand of Hitler on Potsdam Day, March 21, 1933.

9 Amy Group portrait of girls in a sports camp. Photograph #: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

10 A soldier dips his hands into a crate full of rings confiscated from prisoners in Buchenwald and found by American troops in a cave adjoining the concentration camp.United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of National Archives and Records Administration, College Park

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