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Year 8 Les devoirs Summer 2.

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1 Year 8 Les devoirs Summer 2

2 Countries Past/present Holidays
Year 8 french * Knowledge organiser * summer term Les vacances Near Future (le futur proche) (Going to do + verb) Take the present tense of ‘aller’: Je vais – I am going Tu vas – You (singular) are going Il/elle va – He/she is going Nous allons – We are going Vous allez – You (plural) are going Ils/elles vont – They are going Plus an infinitive, for example: aller – to go visiter– to visit jouer – to play manger – to eat regarder – to watch Countries Independent Learning. Independent Reading/ Listening and Grammar work on your Kerboodle e-book  Memrise App – weekly challenges to help you memorise topical vocabulary. Use language from previous topics: What would you wear on holiday? What is the weather like? How would your daily routine be different? Past/present Holidays CREATE A HOLIDAY REPORT: Dream destination or holiday from hell. Include descriptions of the location, weather, activities and food. Would you recommend it? Why?

3 Homework 1 Revise the ‘Near Future’ tense for a test.
They are on your knowledge organiser  Homework 1 Create 3 sentences using time expressions and the near future to talk about what you’re going to do on a future holiday. Include opinion, reasons and connectives Eg Dans deux ans je vais visiter le Japon avec mes amis. Ce pendant je ne peux pas parler le japonais donc, à mon avis, ce sera assez intéressant.

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