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The Counter-Reformation

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1 The Counter-Reformation
Plan to save the Catholic Church: Strong popes support Key Events: 1. Society of Jesus/Jesuits (1540) 2. Inquisition (1542) 3. Council of Trent ( ) 4. Index of Prohibited Books ( s)

2 Three things Reaffirm doctrines
Campaign to spread RCC teachings ( remember age of exploration) Stamp out Heresy Inquisition ( roman inquisition) Index of forbidden books

3 The Council of Trent Called by Pope Paul III 5 key issues
1. Two authorities: scripture and tradition 2. Catholic Church had the sole right to judge the “true sense & interpretation of scripture” 3. Salvation: Faith & Good Works 4. Reaffirmed: purgatory, indulgences and venerations of saints and relics, transubstantiation the need for the teaching and tradition 5. Asserted the supremacy of the Pope Est. the Index of Prohibited Books

4 The Jesuits Est. by Ignatius Loyola and his committee
Used education, preaching, & diplomacy to strengthen the Church Spread Catholicism around the world - missionaries Increased literacy - schools Emphasized the importance of good works – orphanages, helped prostitutes and the poor At popes disposal

5 The Ursulines Started by Angela Merici
The Jesuits taught, so would the Ursulines. They educated women. Initially, Ursulines wore no habit and did not remain cloistered. Angela died in 1540 and with the Council of Trent (1560s) women were restricted. Because the church needed teachers, the Ursulines were protected, but by 1612 they were required to remain cloistered and the students boarded in the convents.

6 Images to be used to teach
That images and paintings are to be used to help depict the teachings of the RCC.

7 Pierre Le Gross Religion Overthrowing Heresy 1659

8 Pierre Le Gross Religion Overthrowing Heresy 1659

9 Cont…

10 Baroque 1600 – 1750. From a Portuguese word “barocca”, meaning “a pearl of irregular shape.” Implies strangeness, irregularity, and extravagance. The more dramatic, the better!

11 Baroque Style of Art & Architecture
Dramatic, emotional. Colors were brighter than bright; darks were darker than dark. Counter-Reformation art. Paintings & sculptures in church contexts should speak to the illiterate rather than to the well-informed. Ecclesiastical art --> appeal to emotions. Holland --> Real people portrayed as the primary subjects.

12 Baroque Sculpture v. High Renaissance
Bernini, David, 1623 Michelangelo, David, 1501

13 Raphael Artemesia Gentileschi

14 Cornaro Chapel & St. Theresa in Ecstasy

15 Four Rivers Fountain, Piazza Navona

16 The Vatican

17 Inside…. Tomb of Urban VIII Scala Regia (1663)

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